foods to eat after dental implants

There is nothing wrong with eating soft foods. Ice cream, smoothies and other soft foods are delicious. Some people take it to the extreme. They eat only soft foods.

They may have a reason for eating only soft foods. It may seem to make sense to them. While they may think it is okay to do this, the truth is it can hurt your teeth and gums. You could end up in our office more than you want if you follow a diet that includes soft foods.

People Eat Soft Foods Because They Have To

If you have had oral surgery, you need to eat soft foods for a few days as you recover. As you slowly add other foods as you heal. Once you have completely healed from the oral surgery, you go back to a normal diet that includes all types of textures.

There are some people who turn to soft foods, even if they have not undergone any oral surgery. They may do this because their teeth are sensitive and hard food or chewy food is difficult for them to eat. Their inability to eat other food is a sign that they may already have problems with their teeth that requires a visit to our office.

Exercising Teeth and the Jaw

While you do not want to eat food that is so hard it breaks your teeth, that does not mean you want to avoid food that is difficult to chew altogether. The jaw is a muscle and muscles need exercise. Hard food can also help keep your teeth strong and clean.

The best diet to follow is a varied diet. That includes eating foods from all the food groups and eating foods of all textures. When you follow a healthy diet, your oral health will benefit.

Contact us today if you need to schedule your next appointment at our office.