dentures and dental implants

Do you need to replace all of your teeth? Dentures are one of the most traditional tooth replacements in dentistry and are still routinely used today. And although there are a lot of different denture designs on the market, they’re not right for everyone. Instead, a lot of people prefer to go with dental implants, because of their permanency and the ability to avoid a removable prosthesis. 

Advantages of Dentures

One of the things that make dentures so popular is how affordable they are. Since dentures come in multiple levels of quality and materials, you can select the one that fits your budget. From cheap tooth replacement to premier cosmetic dentures (and everything in-between) you’ll be sure to find one that accommodates your needs. 

The second major advantage of dentures is how quickly they replace all of your teeth. It’s a “once and done” approach, regardless of how many teeth you’re missing. You can elect to get a full denture to replace all of the teeth in one arch, or a partial denture to only restore the ones that are missing (and retain the healthy ones you still have.) Occasionally your dentist can add new teeth to your partial if another tooth needs to be extracted. 

Disadvantages of Dentures

Since dentures are removable, they tend to rub, rock, and slip out of place at the most inopportune times. Occasionally, the minor movement can even cause sores on your gum tissues or contribute to infections like thrush.  

The larger nature of a denture means it will also impact your speaking and eating habits. Since the “plate” covers the roof of your mouth, dentures make it more challenging to taste your food or form certain speech sounds. During meals, you’ll typically find yourself eating smaller bites and preferring much softer textures, as dentures offer only a portion of the biting strength of natural teeth. 

At night, you’ll have to take your dentures out of your mouth. Sleeping in a removable prosthesis can predispose you to infections and bone loss. It will also cause the fit of your denture to change, making it feel even looser than it’s supposed to. If you’re hesitant about the idea of having your teeth sitting on your nightstand, then dentures are probably not right for you. 

Advantages of Dental Implants

The benefits of dental implants far surpass any other mainstream tooth replacement. In fact, they’re now regarded as the gold standard in smile reconstruction for people with missing teeth. 

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement that is modeled after the anatomical shape of a tooth. This design provides a number of benefits, including support of bone and facial tissues (to prevent premature aging) and being non-invasive to adjacent teeth. No alteration or changes to healthy tooth structure is required. 

Plus, dental implants encourage healthy bone. The materials used to make implants are naturally attractive to bone tissue, allowing them to integrate with one another for permanent results. This added bone support also helps to maintain natural jaw height, stabilize any surrounding teeth, and restores fullness to your cheeks and lips.

Then there’s the fact that dental implants are stronger than natural teeth. Their integrity makes it possible to eat any food without dietary restrictions. Nothing is going to rock or lift out of place. You can eat a wider variety of textures with dental implants than you can with a pair of dentures. 

Today’s implants have the highest success rate of any tooth replacement treatment in DFW. Especially when you work with an implant expert and team of specialists like the ones at ARCHPOINT. You can use implants to replace any number of missing teeth. From single implants with crowns to multi-tooth dental bridges and even full-arch All-on-4 treatment, implants are far more flexible than other contemporary restorations. 

And finally, a dental implant can last the rest of your life. As long as they’re fully integrated and you care for them properly each day, you can expect your implants to outlast and outperform every other dental restoration you’ve had in the past. Including dentures. 

Disadvantages of Dental Implants (Are There Any?)

There aren’t many disadvantages of dental implants if you can even call them that. Although the treatment used to be quite restrictive to those who qualify, that’s not necessarily the case as often these days. Thanks to supportive therapies, digital imaging, and specialized grafting options, more people qualify for dental implants than ever. 

You might be saying, “but what about the cost?” Do dental implants cost more than dentures? Yes, at least up front. While the initial investment in implants is significantly more than a typical budget denture, only implants are capable of lasting a lifetime. Their return on investment far surpasses any other type of tooth replacement treatment on the market. 

Hybrid Implant Denture Options

What if it were possible to blend the economic advantages of removable dentures with the added security of dental implants? That’s exactly what implant-stabilized dentures are for. These unique prosthetics look and feel like traditional dentures except for one thing. They have 2-4 locators underneath the “plate” which snap or clip onto a corresponding dental implant. This design eliminates the need for messy adhesives or denture pastes and helps to secure your prosthesis throughout the day. But everyday wear and care are nearly identical to that of traditional dentures. In some cases, it’s even possible to retrofit your current denture to attach it onto new dental implants. 

“Which Tooth Replacement Option is Right for Me?”

ARCHPOINT offers complimentary consultations in Dallas/Ft. Worth for prospective implant clients. When you meet with one of our specialists for a private evaluation, we’ll be able to discuss everything related to your unique smile and personal circumstances. We’re here not just to provide amazing services, but also honest care. Together, we’ll work by your side to contrast the advantages of dentures and implants so that you feel confident about your smile’s future. 

Contact ARCHPOINT today to reserve your free evaluation.