The difference between dental implants and snap-on dentures

Tooth loss is fairly common, and not just for the elderly but younger individuals as well. If you are someone who has one or more missing teeth, either snap-on dentures or dental implants are great options for you. Choosing between snap-on dentures and implants can depend on multiple factors, such as pricing, preferences, and the health of your jawbone and remaining teeth.

How do I know if Dental Implants or Snap-On Dentures are even necessary?

Having one or more missing teeth can take a toll on your confidence, but that should not be the only reason you are considering either snap-on dentures or dental implants. Having missing teeth can affect your overall health more than you realize. When your gums are exposed, food and bacteria can get stuck into them leading to an infection. An infection in the gums is usually followed by gum disease, which has been linked to both heart disease and diabetes. Also having one or more missing teeth can impact the structure of your jaw. Your other teeth will try to fill the gap from the missing tooth overtime causing your mouth structure to become more unstable. This shift can lead to losing even more teeth and further tooth decay.

Am I the Right Candidate for Snap-On Denture?

Snap-On dentures, also called implant-supported dentures, are a good fit for those who are missing an entire set of teeth rather than couple or less.  A snap-on denture looks like the traditional denture that is completely removeable. The traditional dentures rests on the gum line, whereas snap-on dentures have built-in locators that “snap” onto the corresponding implants in your mouth. The snap-on dentures give you the ability to take them out at the end of the day and cleaned. With snap-on dentures you will not have to worry that they will fall out at any given moment.

How do I Know if Dental Implants are the Best Option for me?

If you are someone who is missing one or multiple teeth, dental implants are the perfect fit for you. They will help you regain your confidence and get your smile back. Dental implant act as permanent teeth and are the most natural and durable tooth-replacement treatment on the market. With dental implants, you will never have to worry about them falling out, and taking them out at night.

Caring for Dental Implants Versus Snap-On Dentures

Caring for your dental implants is similar to standard dental hygiene. We recommend brushing at least twice a day with a soft-bristle brush, flossing, and having regular checkups and cleanings. Since snap-on dentures are removable, they are cleaned like conventional dentures. After meals, it is essential to take them off the dentures off from the implants and properly brush them. Once brushed, you can easily snap them back in. If you wanted to take them out overnight you can place them in denture cleaning solution.

Reserve a Consultation Today

ARCHPOINT has been changing the lives of patients for many years and providing outstanding results. Don’t just take our word for it! – Check out our Patient Testimonial. Get a professional opinion from one of ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry experts and find out what solution is right for you. We offer free initial consultations—including a 3D scan—for anyone considering dental implants or snap-on dentures in Dallas, Southlake or Ft. Worth. Call ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry to reserve a no-pressure dental implant consultation.