types of dental implant designs

Any time you’re looking for the best dental implant treatment, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with the number of treatment options (and types of dental implants) that are out there. In DFW alone, the variety of dental implants on the market range from specialty designs made for people who don’t otherwise qualify for implants to those from budget manufacturers. 

Choosing the right types of dental implants is just as important as selecting the best dentist. In fact, they often go hand in hand. 

Choosing a Restoration

First and foremost, dental implants serve as “roots” to your new “teeth.” The restoration on top of the implants is what you see when you smile or use to chew with. Depending on how many teeth you need to restore, you may only need a single crown or something more complex like All-on-4 hybrid dentures to replace them all at once. 

Types of dental implants and their restorations will fall into single tooth, multi teeth, or full arch categories. The first (single) is for individual tooth replacement. Multi-teeth restorations are typically those like fixed bridges for replacing 3-4 teeth at a time; they’re supported by a pair of implants. When you need to restore all of your upper or lower teeth with a streamlined treatment, a hybrid fixed or snap-on prosthesis are the two most popular options. 

During your initial dental implant consultation, we’ll talk about the types of dental implants or restoration that’s best for your needs. From there, you have a general idea of what your long-term results will look like before the actual treatment starts. 

What the “Teeth” are Made From

Now that you know which type of restoration you need (crown, bridge, All-on-4, etc.) it’s time to discuss what it’s made from. At ARCHPOINT, our Dallas and Fort Worth implant specialists frequently utilize a material called zirconia. Zirconia is a high-grade ceramic that is both extremely durable as well as aesthetically attractive. The best part about zirconia is that it’s virtually indestructible and resists stain. 

Some types of dental implant restorations are made from acrylic. Acrylic is frequently used in traditional dentures or partial dentures. Some implant dentists also use acrylic for overdentures (snap-on) or full arch prosthetics. Acrylic is fairly common as it’s more of a budget-savvy material. Unfortunately, it’s also a bit more porous, which means it can pick up more stain over time than something solid like zirconia. 

Size and Design of Implants

Now, back to the actual dental implant. Most implants are about the size of a tooth root. This design lets them set directly inside of a bony socket — like a tooth — without impacting the healthy teeth around them. In fact, implants are made out of a material called titanium, which actually improves bone quality and implant integrity because of how attractive it is to our bodies. 

Occasionally you’ll also see dental implants on the market that are made out of ceramic. Ceramic implants are similar to the color of the crown that’s placed above the gums. This aesthetic material is important for some people depending on where the implant is going and how dense the gums are in that space. Ceramic implants are designed a little bit differently than a titanium implant because they have a fixed abutment that extends up through the gums instead of a separate attachment to support the “tooth” on top. 

Then you have specialty dental implants like mini implants and zygomatic implants. As you might guess by the name, mini implants are a much smaller alternative to traditional titanium designs. They’re typically placed in areas with limited space or thin bone, where a full implant won’t fit. Since they’re so small, mini implants usually can’t support a lot of weight on them. Instead, they’re used for replacing one small tooth, like the ones at the bottom front part of your smile. 

Zygomatic implants are an advanced implant design made for people with extensive bone loss. Let’s say that you’ve gone years with missing teeth and the bone ridge through your jaw has shrunk significantly. Since there’s not enough bone to support an implant, zygomatic implants (which are a bit longer) can be placed at an angle so that they extend further and take advantage of the bone support you still have. Usually, we can place about four zygomatic dental implants to anchor a permanent full-arch hybrid restoration (i.e. All-on-4). 

Who the Implant is Manufactured By

Last but not least, one other thing you’ll need to consider is who the dental implant manufacturer is. Every implant dentist orders their implants from a manufacturer. Some are more reputable than others. Knowing that your dentist uses a high-quality implant (with years of extensive data behind it) can give you the peace of mind that you deserve. Cheap dental implants from lesser-known manufacturers may lack the microscopic quality of detail that you need for optimal bone integration. 

Selecting an experienced implant specialist will help ensure that the best materials are chosen for your smile reconstruction. 

How Much Does Each One Cost? 

The cost of dental implants in DFW depends on factors like the type of implant you choose, the type of restoration that you need, how many teeth are missing, and adjunctive services such as grafting or sedation. The best way to get a clear estimate on the price of implant treatment is to meet with a provider one-on-one to talk through your options. If you have insurance coverage, you’ll want to be sure to provide a copy of your insurance card so that your dental team can estimate a breakdown of how your benefits can be applied. 

Looking for the Best Dental Implants in DFW?

ARCHPOINT provides our patients with years of specialized research and skill when it comes to smile reconstruction. Our variety of implant treatments are tailored to the individual. Dental implants are not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Working with a highly experienced team of experts can give you the peace of mind that you’re getting the best dental implants in DFW. Contact us today to reserve an appointment!