traditional vs zygomatic implants

Traditional vs. Zygomatic Dental Implants

traditional vs zygomatic implants

DFW dental implants are a great option for people who suffer from missing teeth. Whether teeth are lost due to poor home care, accident, illness or other factors, replacing these teeth are crucial to maintaining your overall health. Thankfully, because of advances in dental implant technology, a full arch of teeth can be replaced without the worry of having ill-fitting, uncomfortable dentures. 

The certified implant dentists of ARCHPOINT utilize their expertise training and over 75 years of combined experience in the Dallas and Fort Worth area to give you the best dental implant outcome possible. 

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants:

When teeth are removed, the jaw bone immediately begins to resorb (shrink.) Although the process of resorption is slow, over time this can cause dentures to not fit properly, causing painful sores and preventing you from eating many foods. The thinning of bone tissue also creates a higher risk of fracture to the jaw bone. 

Surgically placed implants serve to preserve the bone tissue by acting as the roots of implant supported crowns, bridges or dentures. Dentures supported by implants will look and feel more natural and allow you to restore the full ability to eat the foods you love without the worry of your denture slipping or the need for use of adhesives. 

Different Types of Implants Designs

When it comes to getting dental implants, you have options to choose from. The expert team of oral surgeons and prosthodontists of ARCHPOINT can help you find the right option to meet your unique needs and provide the most state of the art dental implant technologies to ensure the best outcome possible. The implant specialists of ARCHPOINT of Dallas and Fort Worth can give you the smile of your dreams.

Traditional Implants in Dallas and Fort Worth

Traditional implants are the most commonly used implant design to replace missing teeth. They’ve been in use since the late 1960’s.  The implant specialists of ARCHPOINT are experts at placing traditional implants to give you the smile you always wanted. This type of implant can be used to replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or an entire arch of teeth. 

A traditional implant is a screw like post made of the highest quality titanium that is surgically placed into the bone structure and allowed to heal for about 3 months. Once the implant is fully integrated into the bone, a custom made crown is then placed onto the implant, resulting in a natural looking and feeling replacement tooth that is able to withstand heavy bite forces. 

With the use of implant retained dentures or the innovative All-on-4 system, an entire arch of teeth can be replaced with the use of as few as four implants.

As with any surgical dental procedure, not all individuals are candidates for traditional implants. A substantial amount of bone tissue is required to support a traditional implant. Oftentimes, when teeth have been missing a long time and bone resorption has occurred, bone-grafting is necessary. This is an additional procedure that will increase not only the cost of replacing the teeth but also the total amount of time to complete treatment. Bone grafts can take up to 3-6 months to fully heal prior to implant placement. 

A sinus lift is also a common procedure necessary before the placement of implants. The sinus cavity is located just above the maxillary bone of the upper jaw. When the maxillary bone resorbs, the sinus cavity often widens into that space. If an implant is placed without the proper amount of bone tissue, the sinus can be intruded upon which can complications including sinusitis and failure of the implant. 

Thankfully, there’s a solution for people who don’t qualify for traditional implants because of bone loss. 

Zygomatic Implants at ARCHPOINT

Because of the amount of bone tissue and bone mass needed to successfully place traditional implants, some patients are just not good candidates for that treatment. In the past, these patients either went without implants or suffered with ill-fitting dentures. 

Zygomatic implants were developed in the late 1990’s and provide an alternative for patients that are not candidates for traditional implants. The implant specialists of ARCHPOINT have undergone specialized training and are able to provide replacement teeth to more people than ever before, thanks to these unique implant designs. 

The term zygomatic refers to the zygoma bone, also known as your cheekbone. Zygomatic implants are anchored into the cheekbone rather than the jaw bone. Because the cheekbone is utilized, these implants are only available for replacing teeth in the upper jaw (maxilla.) The zygoma bone structure is much denser and does not resorb due to missing teeth, making it a perfect to solution to thinning jaw bone. 

Zygomatic implants are significantly longer and are often placed at more of an angle than traditional implants making them very strong. These implants can be utilized to support a single tooth replacement crown, multiple tooth bridges or an entire arch of teeth. Zygomatic implants can also be used in combination with traditional implants depending on a patients unique needs. 

Because zygomatic implants are placed into the cheekbone, the need for additional procedures like bone grafts or sinus lifts can often be eliminated. Without the need for these additional procedures, patients can receive their implants and replace missing teeth much sooner and treatment costs are often more conservative. 

Caring for Traditional or Zygomatic Implants

Both traditional and zygomatic implants have high success rates close to 98% and can last decades.  It is the responsibility of each patient however, to follow their doctor’s recommendation to properly care for their implants to ensure they last a lifetime. Good home care such as daily brushing and flossing are necessary. Smoking can interfere with the fusion of the implant into the bone and should always be avoided. Frequent preventative appointments for professional cleanings and exams will ensure that your implants, bone and gum tissue stay healthy and last a lifetime. 

What are You Waiting For?

The dedicated team of oral surgeons, prosthodontists and sedation dentists at ARCHPOINT work together to ensure the best dental implant outcome possible for you. Each portion of your procedure can be completed in our conveniently located Dallas and Fort Worth office, which eliminates the need for referrals and longer wait times. What are you waiting for? If you have missing teeth, contact our DFW implant dentists for a consultation. ARCHPOINT will help you determine which type of implant solution is perfect for you! 

zygomatic implants

The Top 5 Reasons to Get Zygomatic Dental Implants

Choosing between dental implants or fixed bridgework when it comes to replacing missing teeth can be an overwhelming decision. Both approaches have their own advantages, but zygomatic dental implants offer several unique benefits that make them a compelling option in certain situations. Especially for people who aren’t able to get traditional dental implants or don’t qualify for a fixed dental bridge. When are zygomatic dental implants a good idea for your smile? Here’s a guide to the top five reasons why choosing this type of implant treatment might be the best solution to replace your missing teeth and achieve the smile you deserve.

1) If There’s Significant Bone Deterioration

When are zygomatic dental implants a good idea? Zygomatic dental implants are designed for situations like significant bone loss, which can usually prevent you from being able to get implants. Additionally, they can be a good option if you have a small jawbone or if you have had previous tooth replacement surgery that was unsuccessful. 

Who needs zygomatic dental implants? Usually, our patients who are missing all of their teeth in the upper jaw because of the significant bone loss in that area.

Since zygomatic dental implants extend well up into the cheekbone (zygomatic arch) at an angle. This longer design and placement helps take advantage of the other healthy bone you have without worrying about a “short” or “narrow” jaw or extensive bone grafting before dental implant surgery.

Bone deterioration can occur because of chronic periodontal disease, prolonged tooth loss, or as the result of extracting teeth. Older dentures, ill-fitting dentures, or sleeping in a denture (which is not advised) can also cause bone resorption, weakening your jaw. 

2) You Don’t Qualify for Traditional or Mini Dental Implants

Traditional dental implants are placed in the jawbone where anatomical roots sit, and mini dental implants are placed in the upper surface of the jaw bone in tighter or more narrow spaces. If you have suffered from bone loss, you may not qualify for either of these implant designs. Even if there is space to install traditional or mini implants, your unique facial anatomy may not allow for enough bone support to keep the restorations stable. This can lead to poor chewing or biting abilities, as well as an ill-fitting appliance. In worst-case scenarios, there may be complete dental implant failure. 

Zygomatic dental implants, however, are placed in the cheekbone (zygomatic arch.) While this may sound a bit extreme, it really isn’t. The main difference is the length and angle that the implants are installed. Instead of being straight-up-and-down like a traditional implant next to other teeth, the zygomatic design takes advantage of the other bone structures just around your mouth. Unless you’re looking at an X-ray of the area, you’re unlikely to even realize that there’s anything different about your smile. 

3) Denture Stabilization

Zygomatic dental implants are sometimes used for stabilizing removable overdentures. You might also know overdentures as “snap-on” or “clip-on” dentures or even “implant stabilized dentures.” The point is that the denture attaches to the implants, but it’s otherwise removable and looks like a traditional denture design. 

A snap-on denture design increases retention and support for your dentures. That way, it doesn’t slip around or rub the inside of your mouth while you’re wearing it. Most people also find that using implants under their dentures also helps them eat more comfortably because of the added retention. 

Most people need anywhere from 2-4 implants to support an implant-retained denture. That could mean combinations of zygomatic dental implants and traditional or mini implant designs. Our DFW implant specialists will need to evaluate your unique oral anatomy to determine the best type of dental implant for your specific bone and facial anatomy. 

On another note, we know that prolonged denture wearing can compound bone loss. Like traditional dental implants, zygomatic implant designs also help to preserve the alveolar ridge, that is, the part of the bone highest on the jaw where the tooth roots sit. Because of the bone preservation that occurs with dental implants, your restorations can help prevent further deterioration of the bone ridge. 

4) All-on-4 or All-on-6 Implant Treatment

Zygomatic dental implants are a great option for those who want to restore their full smile with an “All on” type of implant system. They can be used for All-on-4 implant treatment, which is a full mouth restoration where an entire arch of teeth is secured to just four dental implants. Similarly, All-on-6 treatments use six implants. While all four or six of those implants won’t be zygomatic designs, our DFW implant specialists can pair the zygomatic implants with other traditional ones, ensuring support of your full-arch restoration. 

All-on-4 and All-on-6 implants are special types of treatment that can give you a natural-looking smile and improve your oral health. The slimmer design is usually more comfortable to eat and speak with than traditional dentures because it only follows the curved arch of your jaw. There isn’t a plate across the roof of your mouth, and you don’t take your teeth out at night. 

If your dentist told you that you don’t qualify for All-on-4 or other “all-on” implants because of bone loss, make sure you speak with a specialist about the option for zygomatic dental implants. Since they are installed in a separate manner (usually by an implant expert), the treatment opportunities are more diverse. 

5) Bone Grafting Isn’t an Option

One of the main reasons people get zygomatic dental implants is that they are not candidates for bone grafting. This could be due to several reasons, such as there not being enough bone mass in the jaw, or the patient may have a medical condition that prevents their body from accepting a bone graft. Whatever the reason, zygomatic dental implants are still an option and can provide patients with a way to get their smiles back. 

Since zygomatic implants aren’t set inside of your jaw like other implant designs, there may not be a need for a bone graft at all. The situation will need to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, so be sure to work with a specialty team like the dentists at ARCHPOINT to ensure the safest, most predictable smile outcome. 

Call ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry in Dallas or Ft. Worth today to reserve a consultation with one of our dental implant experts.

zygomatic dental implants Dow

Not a Candidate for Dental Implants? Ask About Zygomatic Dental Implants Instead!

Dental implants are one of the most life-changing treatments out there for people who have missing teeth. Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for traditional dental implant treatment. But even if your dentist tells you that you’re not a candidate, there could be other implant options out there, such as Zygomatic dental implants. The only difference is these alternative implant designs are more specialized, so traditional family practice settings typically don’t have the resources available to offer them in their office. 

If your dentist told you that you don’t qualify for implants, but you’re ready to explore all of your options, the implant specialists at ARCHPOINT could have a solution: Zygomatic dental implants. 

Why Some People Can’t Get Traditional Implants

It’s physically impossible to place dental implants if you have severe bone loss. Anyone with extensive tooth loss or past periodontal disease may have weaker than normal bone, preventing typical implant installation. Or, if they can get implants, numerous osseous surgeries and grafting are needed to create a space for the implants beforehand. This approach can be lengthy, uncomfortable, and demoralizing for someone who just wants to replace their missing teeth. 

There are other options out there, but it takes working with a skilled implant specialist to know what they are. These alternative designs use bone in other areas of your mouth rather than what’s traditionally surrounding healthy tooth roots. Our DFW Zygomatic dental implants are a graft-free procedure that penetrates the cheekbone (zygomatic arch) for retention, allowing them to function the same way as implants, except they’re longer and inserted at an angle. 

Zygomatic implants are a great choice for patients who don’t qualify for traditional dental implants but still want a permanent tooth replacement. 

Who Qualifies for Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Most candidates for Zygomatic implants are individuals who don’t qualify for everyday implant treatment. However, to be eligible for implant therapy, you must be at least 18 years old because we need to make sure all of your orofacial anatomy is completely developed. Most Zygomatic implant clients are much older than that, which is why they have extensive bone loss, so age restrictions normally aren’t a problem. 

Additionally, you also need to go through a medical screening to determine if there are any other health issues that might contraindicate oral surgery. You may also need to disclose whether or not you’re taking any prescriptions for things like blood thinners and osteoporosis medications or if you’ve recently had any type of surgery or been hospitalized. Our implant specialists can connect with your medical provider to discuss any concerns beforehand, so even if you do have an extensive medical history, you may not need to rule out implants. 

Access to 3D Imaging (CBCT Scans) 

In addition to a physical dental exam, our DFW dentists also need to take a series of 3D scans to evaluate your oral anatomy. It’s this 3D information that helps make Zygomatic implants predictable and safe. Since 3D scans allow us to evaluate your entire bone structure from every angle, they help ensure that there is enough space and healthy tissue available to support your implants.

We’ll use your 3D CBCT scan to digitally map out and virtually place your Zygomatic implants leading up to the surgery. This technique eliminates the guesswork of placing implants with traditional two-dimensional X-rays. 

With this added layer of diagnostic information, we can take people who didn’t qualify for dental implants before and still provide them with fixed Zygomatic restorations to restore their smiles. 

Adapting Implant Methods During Bone Loss

What holds a dental implant in place? Bone! Traditional implants are the same length and width as natural teeth. But our bones can shrink and become weaker after tooth loss or gum disease. This can lead to a weakened or narrowed ridge of bone, which isn’t strong enough to hold a dental implant.

People with poor bone quality may need to adjust their implant locations, use a different type of implant, or perform bone augmentation to create “new” bone in that space. Although there are steps that can be taken in order to place implants where the bone isn’t perfect, it should be done by a specialist who will assess each case individually. Or sometimes, not at all. 

People with extensive bone loss may not know Zygomatic dental implants are an option. Especially when they require full-mouth rehabilitation with a system like All-on-4 or All-on-6. Since our specialists can adjust how your Zygomatic implants are installed, you can still enjoy a predictable, complete-mouth restoration experience.

Simply put, Zygomatic implants make dental implant treatment possible when they don’t typically qualify for traditional implant options. 

What Are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Zygomatic dental implants are not attached to the bone that typically supports tooth roots and other implants. Instead, they tilt at an angle and reach a bit further, allowing your cheekbones (zygomatic arch) to support them. Thus the qualifications for implant treatment are completely different. 

Zygomatic implants are longer than traditional implants. And they need to be because they are placed at an angle rather than straight up or down in the bone. The longer design makes it possible for them to reach into your cheekbone. Once fully integrated, Zygomatic implants can anchor full-arch restorations such as an “All on-4” or “All on-6”.

Structurally, Zygomatic implants are made out of the very same material as traditional implants. The only difference is that since there is not enough bone around where your tooth roots should be, they reach a bit further into the next bony area. 

Easier Treatment for Implant Patients

Many Zygomatic implants can be placed without any additional bone grafting, gum grafting, or sinus lift surgeries (which are common for people with bone loss.) In turn, the Zygomatic implant treatment actually seems easier than finding a way to qualify for traditional implants. 

The modern no-graft design makes it possible to restore your smile and enhance the quality of your life. The straightforward procedure opens a wide range of opportunities, especially for people who had a dentist tell them, “You don’t qualify for dental implants because of bone loss.” 

Why Use Your Cheek Bone (Zygomatic Arch)?

A typical dental implant goes straight up and down into the supporting bone, identical to an anatomical tooth. But when there isn’t enough bone in that location, there’s nothing to hold the implant in place. Naturally, our implant specialists then look to the nearest durable bony structure to help maximize your current oral anatomy.

In your upper jaw, the cheekbone (Zygomatic arch) is just adjacent and slightly elevated compared to the normal location of an implant or tooth root. By adjusting the length of the implant and tilting it toward this bony arch, we can establish a healthy foundation without compromising the long-term success of your implant.  

Your bone anatomy and sinus cavities dictate where implants can be installed. You don’t have to take “no” for an answer. Rather, all you have to do is work with a more experienced implant specialist to determine whether Zygomatic implants are a viable alternative. 

“What Will My Smile Look Like?”

Anyone with extensive bone loss is likely also dealing with a full mouth of missing teeth or very few natural teeth that are left. If they wear dentures, there’s a good chance that their “plate” rocks or slips because there isn’t enough of a stable bone ridge for the denture to rest against. 

Since Zygomatic implants establish a permanent anchor at the “alveolar ridge” (the curved bone that normally supports teeth), there’s no need for a “plate” in the roof of your mouth. We simply use the 4-6 implants to anchor a streamlined, hybrid device that takes the place of a natural smile. 

A typical All-on-4 restoration—whether it’s placed on traditional implants or, in this case, Zygomatic ones—only fills in the space of your missing teeth. You can speak more clearly and smile with confidence. Each restoration is custom designed, so you get to play an active role in the color, shape, and size of what your new teeth look like. We’ll use high-quality materials that mimic natural tooth anatomy for full aesthetic benefits as well as functional ones. 

When to Choose Zygomatic Implants

Dental implants are the best option to replace missing teeth. But not everyone can get dental implants. Patients often choose Zygomatic implants to increase their success rates and work with less bone, even if their previous dentist told them they didn’t qualify for treatment. 

While it’s true someone may not qualify for traditional implants, that does not mean they aren’t an ideal candidate for Zygomatic designs. These are the individuals that Zygomatic implants were precisely designed for! 

If you’re feeling hopeless and like there are no options left, you’ll want to speak to the implant specialists at ARCHPOINT. 

Zygomatic Implants in Dallas and Fort Worth

Today’s dental implant options make implant therapy a possibility for almost everyone. Let our DFW implant specialists help put a smile back on your face. To make your first appointment, call ARCHPOINT in Dallas or Fort Worth today.

DFW zygomatic dental implants

What are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Even though dental implants are one of the best ways to restore missing teeth, not everyone qualifies for traditional implant treatment. Particularly if there is excessive bone loss. Fortunately, zygomatic dental implants can be used in extreme cases of bone loss when someone still wants to get implant treatment. 

Instead of using the bone in your jaw, zygomatic designs allow for a modified treatment that uses your cheekbones (zygomatic arch), just above your missing teeth. These implants are longer than conventional versions and are placed at an angle instead of straight up and down. When fully integrated, zygomatic implants can be used to anchor full-arch restorations.

Switching from a traditional implant design to zygomatic options opens up a ton of possibilities for someone who had gone a long time with missing teeth or needs more specialized care.

A zygomatic dental implant is much longer than a traditional design, as it reaches up a bit further into your bone structure. At the gumlines, a small abutment is attached to extend through the gum tissues, which then support the fixed prosthesis on top of them. 

Zygomatic vs. Traditional Dental Implants

Traditional dental implants closely match the shape and size of an anatomical tooth root. They’re also placed in the jawbone in a similar position to natural teeth. Zygomatic implants, on the other hand, are more extensive and require specialized care to install. These implants are not limited to your immediate jaw structure like natural tooth roots. The longer design will go through the jaw and up into the bony area that makes up your cheekbones. Zygomatic implants allow you to take advantage of the other bone structures in your mouth when jaw bone density isn’t strong enough for traditional implant treatment. This makes them very useful for individuals who might not be eligible for implants due to bone loss. 

Unfortunately, not all implant dentists offer zygomatic implants. You’ll need to see an implant specialist to perform the oral surgery, which is usually completed under sedation, because of the extra training and technology they have on hand in their practice. If your dentist has told you that you don’t qualify for dental implants, be sure to ask them about zygomatic designs or call an implant specialist like the ones at ARCHPOINT to explore all of your options. 

How Are Zygomatic Implants Placed?

Zygomatic dental implants are placed in a patient’s mouth during a brief, in-office surgical procedure. The dental surgeon will make an incision and use special tools to prepare your bone for the implant installation. Once the implant is installed, we may prescribe antibiotics and pain medication if necessary. Applying a cold compress on and off every 20 minutes can help reduce swelling and discomfort. Even though you’ll likely be sleeping during the implant surgery, we’ll still use local anesthetic to numb the immediate area around the installation site. 

Why Choose Zygomatic Implants?

If you’re missing all of your teeth in your mouth or have worn dentures for an extended period of time, there’s a good chance that you’ve also experienced moderate to severe bone loss. While these circumstances would contraindicate traditional implants, having an option like zygomatic dental implant designs means you can still undergo full mouth rehabilitation for treatments like All-on-4 or full-arch implants. 

Common Questions About Zygomatic Implants Answered

How do zygomatic dental implants work? 

Zygomatic implants use the bone adjacent to your jaw when severe bone loss inhibits the placement of traditional implant designs. 

Does it hurt to get zygomatic dental implants?

Getting zygomatic dental implants is just as comfortable of a process as other full arch implant treatments. Sedation options will help keep you as comfortable as possible. 

Are zygomatic dental implants just for tooth replacement or can they be used to support dentures as well? 

Typically, we only use zygomatic implants for All-on-4 full-arch restoration. Since they’re installed at an angle, we use their abutments to anchor hybrid prosthetics that span the entire width of your jaw. 

How long does it take to get a zygomatic implant after losing a tooth? 

If you’re having all of your teeth extracted, we can coordinate your dental implant installation at the same time or shortly thereafter. 

Can I use zygomatic implants even if I have other teeth, crowns, or bridges?

Zygomatic implants are usually reserved for full-arch tooth replacement. If you have existing teeth or other fixed restorations, zygomatic implants probably aren’t necessary. 

Is it Possible to Replace All of My Teeth with Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Yes. Zygomatic implants are stable and predictable enough to use for full-arch reconstruction. Our DFW implant specialists can put as few as four implants in place, and use them to anchor a prosthesis such as an “All-on-4” or “All-on-6” hybrid denture. All-on-4 is a streamlined, full arch design that replaces all your upper or lower teeth with only four implants to support it.

Keep in mind that zygomatic dental implants are installed inside of the zygoma bone. Since there is no zygoma bone in the lower jaw, zygomatic implants are only applicable to restoring your upper arch. 

This expanded service is only available with a team of specialists like the implant experts at ARCHPOINT. Our facility features state-of-the-art technology and a complete team of dental specialists who provide a full range of implant services in the Dallas and Fort Worth areas. Since we specialize in implant therapy, we’re able to provide care beyond what’s usually accessible in a traditional family practice. 

Where Can I Get Zygomatic Implants in DFW?

If you live in or around Dallas, Fort Worth, or the greater DFW area and want to know where you can get zygomatic dental implants, we encourage you to call ARCHPOINT. Our implant specialists will take all of your concerns into consideration and provide you with the relevant information you need about this state-of-the-art treatment. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how zygomatic dental implants work, contact ARCHPOINT in Dallas or Ft. Worth today to request a no-obligation consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve a beautiful smile!

zygomatic dental implants

Can You Get Dental Implants if You Don’t Have Any Bone Left?

Dental implants are one of the most successful and predictable ways to replace missing teeth. But in order for dental implants to be effective, they need to have a sound, stable foundation supporting them. In this case, healthy, dense bone. 

Since bone is what anchors and fuses to the surface of dental implants, a person needs to have enough of it (bone) before their dental implants can be installed. Otherwise, the implant would protrude through the soft tissues or rupture a nasal sinus cavity. If the bone is too short, the implant would extend above the gums or be too loose to withstand normal biting and chewing forces. 

Is it possible to get dental implants if you don’t have enough bone? Although the short answer is “it depends,” the longer version is that yes, you can get dental implants if you don’t have enough bone, as long as you work with an implant specialist who offers services such as grafting or zygomatic dental implant designs. 

“What if I Don’t Qualify for Dental Implants?”

There are typically two major reasons why someone might not qualify for dental implants. One is an active oral disease, such as periodontitis. Fortunately, gum disease can be stabilized, especially if the diseased teeth are being removed or you’re working with a periodontal specialist. The other is not having enough bone to support a traditional dental implant. The keyword here is “traditional.” There are still alternative solutions available to make dental implant therapy possible, such as augmentation (bone grafting) or incorporating zygomatic dental implants that are set in a different area of your mouth. 

Why You Need Healthy Bone for Dental Implants

Every type of dental implant — whether it’s traditional, mini, or zygomatic — relies on a process called “osseointegration.” Osseointegration is where your body recognizes the dental implant surface and is naturally attracted to it. In turn, your mouth forms a new, fine layer of bone attachment between the jaw and the surface of the dental implant. Without this fusion process occurring, the implant will not stay in place. But for full integration to even happen in the first place, you need to already have a bony socket surrounding the implant the same way you would for a natural tooth. 

Unfortunately, tooth loss also naturally triggers bone loss. As does periodontal disease. Waiting a long time to replace your missing teeth means that you’re fighting against additional bone loss. Even if you’ve been told that dental implants aren’t an option for you, we highly recommend speaking with our implant specialists in Fort Worth and Dallas. Chances are, there will still be options that you can consider. 

Dental Implants When You Don’t Have Enough Bone

“Can I get dental implants if I don’t have enough bone?” As long as you’re open to alternative implant designs and treatments, yes! At ARCHPOINT, our implant specialists may recommend one of the following strategies:

Placing a bone graft. Bone grafting (augmentation) helps to naturally build out a healthier, denser, stronger bone for your dental implant to set inside. Once a bone graft is placed, it begins to integrate with your current bone and helps restore areas of your jaw that resorbed (shrunk). 

Changing the location of your implant installation site. Depending on which teeth are missing and how many need to be restored, dental implants don’t necessarily need to go in a specific area of your jaw. It may be possible to slightly alter where they’re installed, moving it forward or backward in your jaw, or even inserting it at an angle to take advantage of the healthy bone you already have. 

Switching to an alternative implant design, such as zygomatic dental implants. Zygomatic dental implants are designed specifically for people with extensive amounts of bone loss who might not otherwise qualify for dental implants. These special treatments use a longer implant design that’s set at an angle inside of your mouth, reaching into your zygoma or “cheekbone.” 

Zygomatic vs. Traditional Dental Implants

A traditional dental implant closely resembles the size and shape of an anatomical tooth root. And most noticeably, it’s set into the bone of your jaw in a nearly identical fashion to natural teeth. On the other hand, Zygomatic dental implants are longer and installed at an angle. They are not restricted to the bone in your immediate jaw but reach up into your zygomatic arch, which is the bony area that makes up your cheekbone. Since it’s much longer, a Zygomatic implant can take advantage of other bone structures around your mouth, making them extremely useful when you might not otherwise qualify for dental implant treatment (because of bone loss.) They’re designed to expand the criteria for dental implants. But if your dentist doesn’t offer Zygomatic implant designs, they may still tell you that you don’t qualify for implant treatment. 

Can I Replace All of My Teeth with Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Yes. Zygomatic dental implants can be paired together, just like traditional dental implants are. Our DFW implant specialists can place as few as four dental implants total, using them to permanently anchor a prosthesis such as an “All-on-4.” All-on-4 is a hybrid full-arch design that replaces all of your upper teeth at one time with the support of only four dental implants underneath. 

Getting zygomatic dental implants in DFW can be hard if you’re not sure who to ask. Only specialists and implant experts such as the team here at ARCHPOINT usually offer this expanded service. Since our facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a team of dental specialists, we’re able to provide care that’s beyond the traditional scope of a DFW dental implant office. 

Expanding Dental Implant Services to More People

ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry understands that not everyone fits the same criteria when it comes to replacing missing teeth. While many DFW implant providers offer traditional restorations, ARCHPOINT is one of the only specialists in the Fort Worth and Dallas area to provide advanced services like Zygomatic dental implants. Contact us today to reserve a consultation.