ceramic detnal implants

Choosing Between Ceramic and Titanium Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent choice if you’re considering restoring your smile. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically implanted into the jaw. They can support various restorations to replace missing teeth, such as crowns, dental bridges and dentures

The two most popular materials for dental implants are ceramic and titanium. Each has unique benefits and features that make it suitable for specific situations. In this blog post, we explore both materials, provide a detailed comparison and guide you through the factors to consider when choosing between ceramic vs. titanium implants.

Overview and Benefits of Ceramic Implants

When people talk about ceramic implants, they’re likely referring to implants made of zirconia. This is made from zirconium dioxide, a durable and resilient ceramic material. 

Ceramic or zirconia implants were approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) in 2007. Since then, they have gained popularity as an alternative to titanium implants. This is due to their many benefits, including the following: 

  • Biocompatibility: Ceramic implants are biocompatible, so they won’t damage your gums or trigger unwanted reactions like rejection and infection. 
  • Appearance: Ceramic can be easily colored to resemble the patient’s other teeth, which provides a more natural appearance than titanium. 
  • Less Hospitable to Bacteria: Ceramic’s smooth finish makes it difficult for bacteria to adhere to it and accumulate. Also, research shows that ceramic implants, specifically zirconia ones, attract less plaque than titanium, which is helpful for healing. 
  • Metal-free: Ceramic implants offer a safe, metal-free choice for patients with metal allergies or sensitivities.
ceramic detnal implants

Overview and Benefits of Titanium Implants

Titanium is a lightweight, robust and durable metal with a long history of use in the medical and dental fields. Meanwhile, titanium dental implants have been the gold standard since the 1960s. 

This type of implant material remains among the most commonly used due to its many benefits, such as the following: 

  • Proven Effectiveness: This implant material has been used in dentistry for over four decades. Titanium implants’ long-term reliability and safety are well-documented, providing patients with peace of mind. 
  • Osseointegration: Titanium has excellent biocompatibility, allowing for strong integration with the bone, resulting in a stable and secure implant. Studies show that titanium implants have a 10-year success rate of over 96%. 
  • Versatility: Titanium implants are a versatile solution for tooth replacement. They can be used for a single missing tooth, multiple teeth or even all of a patient’s teeth.

Comparing Ceramic vs. Titanium Implants


While both zirconia and titanium offer excellent durability, titanium has a slightly higher tensile strength, which refers to its ability to resist pulling forces without cracking. 


An advantage of zirconia over titanium is its tooth-like color, offering a more natural appearance for patients with thin or translucent gums. Titanium implants may sometimes show through the gumline, appearing as a dark line. 

However, remember that the dental prosthesis itself, such as the crown or bridge, plays a crucial role in aesthetics. The dental restoration can be colored to resemble natural teeth, which may eliminate concerns about the appearance of the implant itself. Additionally, titanium’s color might not be as much of an issue with patients with thicker gums. 

Long-term Success

Titanium has a longer track record of success in dental implants, but early studies suggest that zirconia implants are also highly reliable and successful in the long term.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Ceramic vs. Titanium Implants

When deciding between titanium vs. ceramic implants, consider the following:

  • Aesthetics: If a natural appearance is essential to you, ceramic implants may be the better option due to their tooth-like color. 
  • Metal allergies: If you have concerns about metal allergies or sensitivities, discuss them with your dental professional. They may recommend ceramic implants as a safer option.
  • Cost: Zirconia implants may be slightly more expensive than titanium implants, which may affect your decision.
  • Bone quality: Titanium may be a more suitable option for patients who require significant bone grafting or have poor bone quality, as it has a longer and better-established record in such cases.

Explore Your Dental Implant Options 

Both ceramic and titanium implants offer long-lasting, reliable solutions for those seeking to restore their smile. When choosing the most suitable implant material, consider the factors highlighted in this article as well as your own preferences and dental health goals.

Ceramic or titanium implants? Get a better understanding of the differences between them and make an informed choice with expert guidance from Archpoint Implant Dentistry. 

Our team of oral surgeons and prosthodontists, as well as our anesthesia provider, is dedicated to improving the appearance and functionality of our patients’ teeth. Our many patient success stories testify to our skill and commitment to your oral health. 

Contact Archpoint Dental today for a personalized consultation on the best implant option for you.

mini dental implants in Dallas Ft. Worth

Dental Implants for Young Adults

Whether due to poor dental hygiene, trauma, accidents, or other medical conditions, losing a permanent tooth can be a shocking and uncomfortable experience, particularly for young adults. It’s an age where image and confidence can be closely interconnected. A missing tooth can affect a young adult’s smile and lead to some emotional distress, including a dip in self-esteem.

Fortunately, modern dentistry has advanced solutions like dental implants and denture options for young adults.

Dental implants are small, sturdy titanium posts inserted into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth’s root. Once the implant has bonded with the bone in a process known as osseointegration, it provides a solid foundation for a replacement tooth or crown. It mimics the strength and feel of a natural tooth, offering stability that allows wearers to eat, talk and smile without worry.

Before we delve into the different types of implants and dentures for teens, it helps first to debunk some common misconceptions about them. 

dental implants

Dispelling Common Myths About Dental Implants

Myth #1: Dental Implants Are Only for Older People.

When we think of someone with dental implants, we might picture our grandparents – not a young adult with their whole life ahead. Dental implants are for anyone with permanent tooth loss, irrespective of age. 

Young adults can benefit immensely from the permanence and strength that implants offer, especially if they want to avoid the embarrassment and hassle that sometimes come with dentures. 

Myth #2: Implants Are Noticeable and Unnatural Looking.

Thanks to modern dental technology, implants can blend seamlessly with natural teeth. They are custom-made, taking into account the color and shape of your existing teeth, so they look completely natural. Plus, they allow you to bite, chew and speak just like you would with your real teeth. 

Myth #3: Getting Implants Is Painful and Invasive. 

The words “surgery” and “implants” can paint an often terrifying picture. However, most patients are surprised to find that the actual process is less painful than anticipated. Dentistry has become exceedingly patient-friendly, with procedures that prioritize your comfort. 

You’ll likely experience minor discomfort post-procedure, but it’s typically less intense than a tooth extraction and well-managed with standard pain medication. 

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Tooth Replacement and Denture Options for Young Adults and Teens 

Losing a tooth doesn’t have to mark an end to your smile or self-confidence. With the availability of these dental implants and denture options for young adults and the support of dental professionals, regaining a healthy, beautiful smile is possible.  

1. Single Tooth Replacement 

When a missing tooth disrupts the harmony of your smile, a single dental implant provides a permanent solution that blends seamlessly with your natural teeth. This option involves inserting a titanium post into your jawbone and topping it with a custom-made crown. Not only does it restore your smile aesthetically, but it also allows you to bite and chew as you normally would without damaging adjacent teeth.

2. All-on-4 Dental Implants 

For those who have lost several teeth or are on the verge of losing them, All-on-4 dental implants are a cutting-edge multiple teeth replacement solution. A full arch of teeth can be supported by just four implants with this technique, resulting in a stable, long-lasting smile. It’s an excellent way for young adults to avoid the discomfort and hassle of traditional dentures, ensuring a more natural feel and a youthful appearance.

3. Implant Bridges 

An implant-supported bridge is ideal when multiple teeth are missing in a row. Implant bridges are anchored directly to the jawbone, unlike traditional bridges, which rely on neighboring teeth for support. This ensures a durable hold that preserves the integrity of the surrounding healthy teeth. You’ll benefit from a restoration that looks and functions like your natural teeth.

4. Mini Implants 

Those seeking a less invasive option for tooth replacement might consider mini implants. These are smaller than conventional implants and can often be inserted without extensive surgery. Mini implants can support a single crown or stabilize a lower denture, making them a versatile choice for young adults looking for a quicker and more affordable restoration.

5. Implant-Supported Dentures 

Implant-supported dentures are the best dentures for young adults who have lost most or all of their teeth. They provide an alternative to removable dentures and are anchored to implants in the jawbone, offering unmatched stability. Say goodbye to slipping dentures and enjoy a comfortable fit that allows you to go about your day without worry.


Advanced Dental Implant Services That Let You Smile With Confidence Again

Remember, your smile is an invaluable asset, and it’s worth taking care of with the best that dentistry has to offer. Dental implants and dentures for teens give young adults the confidence to laugh, talk and enjoy life without restraint. 

At Archpoint Dentistry, we believe in providing compassionate care and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of young adults. We walk you through our dental implants and dentures for teenage smiles and explain their benefits to ensure you make the best decision for your teeth.  

We invite you to request an appointment to take one step closer to a confident, radiant smile. You may also check out the stories behind these real smiles to learn more about how we can help patients like you embrace the future with confidence. 

titatnium dental implants

Managing Allergies to Dental Implants

Dental implants have transformed the path to obtaining an ideal smile,  by offering both aesthetic enhancements and restoring the functionality of lost teeth.

Unfortunately, one aspect that frequently needs to be noticed in this innovative approach is the possibility of allergies, especially to titanium-made implants. Although it’s uncommon, allergies to dental implants present considerable obstacles for patients and dentists alike, underscoring the need to be informed about such situations to remain ready to address them.

If you’ve recently received dental implants and are experiencing discomfort, you might be among the few individuals allergic to the materials used in these implants. 

In this blog, we shed light on what an allergy to dental implants actually entails. This will include understanding titanium allergy symptoms, how such allergies are diagnosed, and how to manage a dental implant allergy.

Dental Implant

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial roots that offer a permanent solution for missing teeth, providing a stable base for replacement teeth. Made of biocompatible titanium, they’re inserted into the jawbone to support custom-made crowns, functioning like natural teeth. 

Dental implants can replace single or multiple teeth and help prevent bone loss, preserving facial structure. The procedure involves inserting the implant, attaching an abutment, and securing the custom crown. With a high success rate, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care, including regular dental visits and good oral hygiene.

Allergy to Dental Implants: Can I Be Allergic to Titanium?

Although relatively rare, a dental implant allergy is still possible. Titanium is widely appreciated for its strong biocompatibility, making it a favored material for various medical and dental applications, including dental implants and orthopedic devices. Despite its general acceptance by the human body, some individuals might develop a hypersensitivity or allergic reaction to titanium. 

This allergy is thought to occur due to the immune system’s response to titanium ions that can be released from the metal under certain conditions, such as corrosion. If you suspect you have an allergy to titanium, consult healthcare professionals immediately. They will guide you on testing for the allergy and advise you on alternative materials for any medical or dental procedures you might need.

Dental Implant

Signs of Dental Implant Allergies

Allergic reactions to dental implants can manifest in various ways, including:

  • Swelling and Redness: Visible inflammation or discoloration around the implant site can signal an allergic reaction.
  • Pain or Discomfort: Persistent or severe pain around the implant area is not typical of the healing process.
  • Itching or Rash: An itchy sensation or rash near the implant indicates a possible allergic response.
  • Unexplained Fatigue or Malaise: Systemic symptoms like persistent tiredness or a general feeling of illness may accompany an allergy to dental implant materials.
  • Gum Changes: Changes in gum tissue, including persistent soreness or unusual appearances around the implant.
  • Implant Failure: Although rare, an allergic reaction may contribute to implant failure, as the body’s response can affect osseointegration.

Diagnosis: The Challenge with Detecting an Allergy to Dental Implants

Identifying allergies to dental implants, particularly those made from metals such as titanium, presents a significant challenge. Conventional methods like skin patch tests often fail to diagnose metal allergies accurately. This is mainly because these tests do not replicate how the body reacts to materials after they have been implanted. 

An alternative that offers greater specificity is the Memory Lymphocyte Immunostimulation Assay (MELISA) test. This blood test evaluates the immune system’s response to metals by measuring the response of lymphocytes, making it particularly effective in detecting titanium allergies in dental implants, which are typically not identified through skin tests. 

However, the MELISA test can also have its drawbacks. It can lead to false positives due to various factors, including cross-reactivity or inconsistencies in laboratory procedures. Such inaccuracies can result in the unnecessary removal of implants or the avoidance of beneficial treatments because of incorrect diagnoses of metal allergies.

Dental Implant

Managing Dental Implant Allergies

If you suspect that you are allergic to your dental implant, it’s essential to consult your dentist or oral surgeon promptly. Here are some steps they may recommend:

  • Allergy Testing: Your dentist may suggest allergy testing to identify the material causing the reaction. Patch testing or blood tests can help pinpoint the allergen.
  • Implant Removal: In severe cases of allergy, removing the implant may be necessary to alleviate symptoms. Your dentist will discuss this option with you and determine the best course of action.
  • Alternative Materials: If you have a known allergy to a particular material, your dentist can explore alternative implant materials that are compatible with your body.
  • Symptom Management: In the meantime, your dentist may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medications to manage symptoms such as pain, swelling, or itching.
  • Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments with your dentist are crucial to monitor your symptoms and ensure that any allergic reactions are promptly addressed.

Preventing Allergic Reactions

Preventing allergies to dental implants primarily involves careful planning and communication between the patient and dental professionals. Here are key strategies to minimize the risk of an allergic reaction:

  • Share your complete medical and allergy history with your dental care provider. Informing them about any previous metal reactions or allergies is crucial for choosing suitable materials for your dental implants.
  • If you suspect a metal allergy, consider getting tested before your dental implant procedure. Blood tests like the MELISA test can help identify if you’re sensitive to metals like titanium, which are commonly used in implants.
  • For those with known sensitivities to metals, choosing hypoallergenic options such as zirconia is recommended. Zirconia is an increasingly popular ceramic known for its metal-free composition, biocompatibility, and minimal allergenic risk.
  • Have a detailed conversation with your dentist about the different implant materials available. Being well-informed about the advantages and disadvantages of each can aid in choosing an option that lessens the risk of allergic reactions.
  • Keep a close eye on the implant area for any allergic reaction indicators post-procedure. Prompt identification of symptoms such as swelling, redness, or pain is vital to addressing issues quickly.
  • Maintain regular visits to your dentist after getting dental implants. These check-ups are essential for monitoring the implant area’s health and dealing with any complications, including allergies, that might occur.
archpoint team

Seek Expert Care to Manage Dental Implant Health

While allergies to dental implants are rare, they can cause significant discomfort and complications if left untreated. This is why choosing a highly skilled and experienced dental professional is vital to minimize risks during dental implant surgery and ensure the treatment’s long-term success.

At Archpoint Implant Dentistry, we understand the concerns and discomfort that can come with dental implant allergies. Our dedicated team is committed to ensuring your safety and comfort throughout your dental implant journey. We offer comprehensive evaluation and testing to identify allergies and provide alternative solutions tailored to your needs. 

Are you concerned about a possible allergy to dental implants? Archpoint Dental is here to help you navigate through your options with expert advice. Contact us for a consultation to ensure your dental treatment is safe and comfortable.

full mouth restoration

What’s The Difference Between Using Four Or Six Implants For Full Arch Reconstruction?

Full arch reconstruction (sometimes called full mouth restoration) is a process where your entire smile is repaired back to normal or even better than before. In many scenarios, it involves replacing all of the teeth at one time. Especially for people with extensive tooth damage, missing teeth, non-restorable teeth, or a history of advanced periodontal disease. The most efficient way to replace all of your teeth at once is with an “All-on” implant system. 

Depending on your oral anatomy, a set of four or six implants is used to support the full-arch restoration. Because implants are extremely strong, there’s no need to install an implant for each tooth that’s missing. 

What Do “All-on” Implants Look Like?

An all-on implant system is a full-arch prosthesis that covers the curve of your smile, replacing all of the teeth in your upper or lower arch (jaw.) But unlike dentures, all-on implants are more like an extended dental bridge. The fixed prosthesis follows the natural curve of your jaws, freeing up the roof of your mouth. Similarly, there’s no bulky plate or base covering the majority of your jaw. This streamlined design makes all-on implants more comfortable to wear and talk with. 

Underneath the full arch restoration are strategically placed implants. The all-on prosthesis permanently locks onto each one of those implants, preventing the restoration from shifting out of place. From the outside, no one can see your dental implants and only an implant provider can remove your prosthesis. There are no plates or partials to take out at night while you’re sleeping. It’s almost like a hybrid between a denture and a bridge.

What Does The All-on Restoration Process Entail? 

Full arch reconstruction is a dental procedure that involves replacing all of the teeth in an arch (either the top or bottom) with dental implants. The number of implants used in this procedure can vary, with some patients requiring four implants and others needing six implants per arch. But what’s the difference between using four or six implants for full arch reconstruction? Here are a few key points to consider:


One of the main differences between using four or six implants for full arch reconstruction is stability of the overall prosthesis. In general, using six implants provides greater stability compared to using four implants. This is because the additional two implants help to distribute the load more evenly across the arch or jaw, which can help to reduce the risk of implant failure or other complications. However, it’s important to note that the stability of the implants also depends on the quality of the bone in the jaw and the overall health of the patient.


Another factor to consider is cost of the implants. Using six implants for full arch reconstruction tends to be more expensive than using four implants, as it requires slightly more materials. However, the cost of the procedure can vary based on various factors, including the location of the practice you choose, the experience and qualifications of your dental team, and the type of implants and restorations selected. Not to mention pre-surgical steps like bone grafting, sinus lifts, or if you need sedation during your dental implant procedure. 

Recovery Time: 

The recovery time for full arch reconstruction can vary depending on the number of implants used and other factors, such as the patient’s age, overall health, and the condition of the jawbone. In general, using four implants may result in a slightly shorter recovery time compared to using six implants, as the procedure involves less surgery and fewer incisions. But in the big picture, the difference isn’t usually all that much between one and the other. However, the recovery time will also depend on how well the patient follows the post-surgical instructions provided by our dental implant team.


As with any dental implant treatment, the longevity of full arch reconstruction using four or six implants can vary, as it depends on the patient’s oral hygiene habits and other factors, such as their medical history and overall health. However, using six implants may provide greater longevity compared to using four implants, as the additional implants help to distribute the load more evenly and reduce the risk of implant failure.

How Many Dental Implants Do I Need? 

The minimum number of dental implants needed for full mouth reconstruction is four implants per arch. When placed at strategic points, four implants can support the biting pressure of all of those teeth. But sometimes, additional support or reinforcement is needed, particularly if there are areas of weak bone anatomy or the implants are placed in a less-traditional position. 

Ultimately, the decision to use four or six implants for full arch reconstruction will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the patient, as well as the recommendations of our DFW dental implant specialists. It’s important to discuss all of the options with a qualified dental expert to determine the best course of treatment, as it’s unwise to provide the very same type of implant service to each unique patient. 

How to Choose Between All-on-Four and All-on-Six

The only way to determine whether you need four or six implants is to meet with a specialist who can assess your oral anatomy. Usually, 3D imaging works best. CBCT scans allow our DFW implant specialists to visualize your entire oral makeup, including the bone structure that will support your future dental implants. From there, we can identify the best installation point for a stable and secure full-arch prosthesis. As we digitally map out your treatment plan, we can determine if four or six implants are best. 

We also offer alternative implant designs like zygomatic implants, which work well for people with extensive bone loss. 

Full Arch Reconstruction in Dallas, Ft. Worth

Don’t trust your smile to just anyone. ARCHPOINT implant specialists offer advanced, one-of-a-kind full mouth restoration in DFW. Meet with our experts to feel confident about your smile’s future!

cleaning dental implants

How To Guide: Electric Toothbrush and Water Flosser (with Implants)

cleaning dental implants

Whether you’ve had dental implants for years or are just beginning your dental implant journey, your most trusted dental implant specialist of Dallas and Fort Worth is ARCHPOINT. Our years of experience have provided our patients with the highest quality implant dentistry available. Not only does ARCHPOINT stand behind their work, but they also take the time to insure you fully understand how to care for your dental implants. 

Importance of Caring for Dental Implants

Just like your natural teeth, your dental implants need to be cleaned every day to prevent the buildup of harmful plaque and bacteria. While dental implants are resistant to decay, periodontal disease is still a possibility if good home care is not practiced. Periodontal disease, or peri-implantitis rather, is an infection of the gum tissue that destroys the bone that supports teeth and dental implants. The number one cause of implant failure is periodontal infection but it is easily avoidable with daily brushing and flossing.

While brushing and flossing are the standards for keeping your mouth in tip-top shape, there are many other useful tools your dental professional may suggest. Two of the most commonly recommended dental tools to keep your mouth clean are the electric toothbrush and the water flosser. 

Electric Toothbrushes

If you have ever walked down the toothbrush aisle of your neighborhood grocery store, you have probably seen the wide variety of electric toothbrushes available. This is because studies have proven that brushing with an electric toothbrush is more effective than using a manual toothbrush alone.  This not only applies to natural teeth but to dental implants as well.

Electric toothbrushes are able to clean teeth more effectively because they provide hundreds to thousands of more brush strokes each time you use them. They are typically made with soft bristles that are gentle to the gum tissue and most have a two-minute timer to insure you are brushing long enough. With all the different electric toothbrush options available, deciding on which one to purchase can be difficult, however, the experts of ARCHPOINT can recommend which electric toothbrush will work best for your unique needs. 

Different Types of Electric Toothbrushes on the Market

There are two main types of electric toothbrushes, sonic and oscillating. Both are very effective options to clean natural teeth and dental implants. This difference is in how the head of the toothbrush moves. 

Sonic electric toothbrushes are shaped similarly to manual toothbrushes and use tiny sonic vibrations against the teeth. Each movement of the bristles simulates the action of one stroke of a manual toothbrush. When brushing with a manual toothbrush, you can expect about 300 strokes per minute. The fast sonic vibrations are equal to about 30,000 brushes per minute, making it great for cleaning around dental implants and even below the gum line. 

Oscillating electric toothbrushes are also a great way to effectively clean teeth, dental implants, and gingival tissue. These toothbrush heads are typically round in shape and utilize a rotating movement, similar to a dental polishing tool used in the office. The soft bristles gently clean around the teeth and the gum line in a circular pattern at a rate of 2,500 to 7,500 strokes per minute. 

Simply position your toothbrush on the implant and allow it to do the work for you. For best results, tilt the bristles toward the gum tissues. Brush for at least two minutes, twice a day, cleaning all of the outside and inside surfaces as well as the chewing surfaces of your implant restorations.

Caring for your electric toothbrush is similar to that of a manual toothbrush. To minimize the accumulation of bacteria, store your electric toothbrush upright in an open space to allow the bristles to completely dry. Electric toothbrush heads are typically easily removed and should be replaced every three months. 

Water Flossers

Water flossers are a wonderful addition to using string floss. With its use of a pulsating stream of water, it effectively cleans around teeth and dental implants, including where dental floss cannot reach. Water flossers are highly recommended to aid in the cleaning of implant supported bridges and All-On-4 implants, since they are permanently fixed into the mouth. 

Water flossers are not just limited to cleaning the mouth with water. You can also use mouthwash or a chlorohexidine mixture in your water flosser for an even more effective way to kill harmful bacteria.

Simply trace the margins of your teeth and dental implants, allowing the water to flush under the gums and any fixed dental work (like bridges or All-on-4 implants.) Be sure to pause between each tooth to clean those spaces as well. For best results, use your water flosser at least once daily.

Types of Water Flossers 

There are many different types of water flossers on the market today and each is a great product depending on your needs. The most common type of water flosser is the countertop version. This version typically plugs into the wall and stays on your bathroom counter. The large water reservoir holds plenty of water for effective cleaning and it is very easily cleaned and refilled. 

Handheld water flossers are about the same size as a manual toothbrush, making them easy to hold because there is no hose or electrical cord. It has a large handle that holds water and runs on a battery.  With the small water reservoir, you may need to refill it during use, but it can be packed easily for travel and can be used in the shower.

Another water flosser version attaches to a bathroom faucet or showerhead. This version is great since there is nothing to refill or clean.

Depending on which type of water flosser you use, care for your water flosser is fairly simple. You should clean your water reservoir with soapy water frequently and flush water lines to prevent the build-up of bacteria or mold. 

Contact ARCHPOINT Today to Learn More!

If you would like to learn more or are interested in beginning your journey with dental implants, contact ARPCHOINT today. Our conveniently located Dallas and Fort Worth offices are happy to help you discover the best replacement for your missing teeth. Our dental implant specialists work closely to provide you with personalized care to meet your unique needs. Whether you are missing a single tooth or an entire mouthful, let ARCHPOINT be your trusted implant specialist.

Call now to reserve an appointment.

DFW dental implant consultations

Holiday Dental Implant Consultations Available

DFW dental implant consultations

Why get dental implants? If you’ve recently lost a tooth or have suffered from missing teeth for years, you understand this can leave a lasting impact. You may avoid certain foods, hide your mouth when you smile, or keep your lips closed to laugh. Whatever the case is for you this year, do not let missing a tooth get in the way of enjoying the holidays this season. Begin your implant journey today by scheduling your dental implant consultation with ARCHPOINT. By trusting the Dallas and Fort Worth implant experts of ARCHPOINT, you are making a decision that will not only permanently replace your missing teeth but will improve your oral and overall health. 

Flexible Scheduling for Dental Implant Consultations

The holiday season is a busy time; our calendars are full of holiday parties, gift wrapping, and family gatherings. Maybe this year is the year you have decided to slow down, rest, and enjoy some relaxation time at home.  ARCHPOINT of Dallas and Fort Worth offer flexible appointment scheduling so you can easily schedule your dental implant consultation around your schedule while you’re taking time away from work or other daily obligations.

Plan for Dental Implants in 2023!

Do you have time off during the holidays? Since your implant journey will require several appointments, why not schedule a quick consultation appointment during that time? Our implant specialists use digital radiographs and a thorough exam to determine which dental implant path is right for you. We will discuss your dental implant options and answer any questions you may have. Our financial coordinators will also prepare a treatment plan for you. Planning ahead for next year will not only make scheduling your longer appointments easier but also make your financial planning easier. 

You Have Options with ARCHPOINT

Have you been told you were not a candidate for dental implants in the past? Advances in technology now allow more treatment choices for permanent tooth replacement. Today’s implant advances are easier and more predictable to restore your smile. By scheduling a dental implant consultation with ARCHPOINT specialists, you can learn how to successfully replace missing teeth with a permanent solution. 

Single Tooth Dental Implants

ARCHPOINT is the implant expert in the Dallas and Fort Worth area. Permanently replacing a single tooth is more successful and predictable than ever before. Our titanium screw-like implant is surgically placed and then fuses into the bone. This serves as a strong anchor that holds your custom-made porcelain prosthetic crown. Single tooth implants preserve your bone tissue, prevent bone loss and provide incredible bite strength. 

Implant Supported Bridges

While single tooth implants are a wonderful solution, when several teeth in a row are missing, an implant supported bridge may be a better option. Rather than installing one implant for each tooth that’s missing, implants are paired together a fixed multi-tooth dental bridge. This longer restoration can replace 3-4 teeth at a time, possibly more depending on the situation. Full-arch rehabilitation, however, is usually achieved through alternative treatments such as All-on-4 or All-on-6 therapy.

Dental implant supported bridges look similar to a traditional bridge. These permanent restorations eliminate the need for a removable partial denture and are capable of biting and chewing like a natural tooth.

Mini Dental Implants

A mini dental implant is a small-scale version of a conventional dental implant. It is about half the width and length of traditional implants, making them much smaller than natural tooth roots. Because they are so small, they require little bone support. This makes them ideal for those who want a stabilized overdenture but otherwise lack the bone support for full arch implants.

For Dallas and Fort Worth patients whose teeth have shifted after losing a tooth, you now have the option of mini dental implants. Due to their smaller size, they can easily fill a small space and provide support for a single tooth replacement.

Implant Supported Overdentures

If you are a current denture wearer, you may suffer from an ill-fitting “plate” that rubs your mouth. As bone and gingival tissue resorb, your denture will become loose and uncomfortable. You may experience rocking when biting or feel your denture slip when you speak. For these reasons, dental implant supported overdentures may be the perfect solution for you.

An overdenture looks like a full, removable denture with one major difference. The surface of the denture that normally rests against your gum tissue has built-in locators that “snap” or “clip” onto corresponding dental implants in your mouth. Two to four dental implants will anchor your overdenture into place. This gives you the strength and stability to enjoy foods that were restricted with traditional dentures. 

Similar to traditional dentures, overdentures are easily removed allowing for easy cleaning, brushing, and during sleeping hours. 

All-On-4 Dental Implant System

The All-On-4 dental implant system is a permanent alternative to removable or overdentures. Similar to overdentures, two to four dental implants are strategically placed into the jawbone. With All-On-4 implants, your dental prosthesis is shaped differently. There is no plate in the roof of your mouth, your prosthesis has the same “U” shape as your natural teeth improving your speech and giving you even stronger bite strength. An All-on-4 treatment is as close as you can get to having natural teeth all over again. 

Another major difference from an overdenture, the All-On-4 treatment is a permanent appliance you never have to take it out. By permanently fixing your prosthesis to your implants, you will never have to worry about anyone seeing you without your teeth again. Our specialists can easily remove your prosthesis, however, for cleanings or adjustments. 

For our patients who may need additional support, we can add two more implants and convert the treatment into an All-on-6 system. 

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Not everyone is a candidate for traditional dental implant treatment. Especially those with severe bone loss, unable to support traditional implants. Zygomatic dental implants now provide an alternative treatment for those needing an entire upper arch of teeth replaced. 

Slightly longer than traditional dental implants, this type of implant is placed at an angle into your zygomatic bone, also known as your cheekbone. Your zygomatic bone is unique because it does not resorb due to tooth loss like your jaw bone does. This allows the strength and mass required to successfully restore the entire arch of upper teeth. 

Schedule Your Dental Implant Consultation Today!

Why should you let another holiday season pass feeling frustrated with your missing teeth? Let the ARCHPOINT implant experts help you begin your journey to permanent tooth replacement. Our conveniently located Dallas and Fort Worth offices provide flexible appointment options to meet your unique needs. Contact us today to reserve an appointment during your holiday break.

types of dentures: overdentures vs. traditional

Types of Dentures: Overdentures vs. Traditional (are they worth it?)

types of dentures: overdentures vs. traditional

Whether you are considering beginning your journey with dentures or have decided it is time to replace your current ones, ARCHPOINT is your trusted implant expert for your implant and denture needs. Conveniently located in Dallas and Fort Worth, our specialists are here to help you decide which denture option is right for your unique needs and for your budget. 

Choosing the Best Types of Dentures 

Traditional dentures have been a common form of full arch tooth replacement for a long time. They are inexpensive, easy to remove, and easy to care for. Traditional dentures also have their drawbacks. Because of advances in dental technology, however, newer and more permanent solutions are now available. Snap-on dentures, also known as overdentures, are essentially modified traditional dentures that are held in place by surgically placed implants. Overdentures provide a more stable solution to traditional dentures, yet are still a very affordable option. 

Because the decision to replace your teeth is a life-changing decision, we want you to fully understand the differences between implant-supported overdentures and traditional dentures.

Let’s Compare Overdentures to Traditional Types of Dentures

How Types of Dentures Work

If an entire arch of teeth is missing or needs to be replaced, traditional dentures provide an easy, inexpensive option. Once teeth are removed, no additional surgeries are required and you can typically enjoy the benefits of your custom-fit denture right away. Traditional dentures are meant to be removed to clean and must be stored in a moist environment while you sleep to prevent them from drying out.

The main difference with overdentures that sets them apart from traditional dentures is that they are designed to fit onto strategically placed implants, keeping them in place. Two to four implants are anchored into the jaw bone with a minimally invasive surgical procedure. These implants serve as “roots” for your overdenture to snap on to, providing much more stability than traditional dentures. While your implants are anchored to the jaw bone, your overdenture is still easily removable for cleaning and sleeping. 

Consider Your Comfort in Different Types of Dentures

A traditional denture is made of an acrylic material shaped to fit either the roof of your mouth or along your lower jaw bone ridge line. An upper denture utilizes suction in the roof of your mouth to stay in place, while a lower denture uses the presence of your tongue, lips, and cheeks. Both types of dentures are similar, but they rest directly against your gum tissue.

While this is a great option to easily replace your missing teeth, over time your denture will not fit as well as it once did and will become uncomfortable. This is because both your jaw bone and gingival tissue begin to shrink when the teeth once the teeth are removed. 

As your bone and gingival tissue continue to shrink, you will notice traditional types of dentures may slip or rock when biting, chewing, and even speaking. This can prevent you from eating the foods you love or laughing as big as you like. The movement of your denture along your gum tissue will cause friction and lead to painful sore spots. While denture adhesives work well to keep your denture in place, they are messy and can interfere with the taste of your food. Your traditional denture will need to professionally re-lined to properly maintain a good fit, but over time, a new denture will need to be made.

Overdentures provide a much more comfortable type of denture experience. Your denture is held in place by implants that are anchored to the bone. Your denture will not move at all when biting, eating or speaking allowing you to eat and speak without the worry of your denture slipping out of place. 

Because your overdenture is locked into position, there will be no friction causing mouth sores and there will be no need for messy adhesive! You can expect your overdenture to greatly outlast a traditional denture because it will always fit just right. Making the investment in implant-retained overdentures may actually be more cost-effective for you in the long run. 

Improve Your Bone and Gingival Health

Not only do implant-retained types of dentures provide a more stable option for tooth replacement, they also help preserve and strengthen your jaw bone and gingival health. Without teeth, your jaw bone resorbs, becoming thin and brittle over time. The loss of bone mass can contribute to future sinus problems as well as a higher risk for jaw bone fracture if you were to fall. 

With overdentures, dental implants serve as new tooth “roots” to anchor your denture in place. These new “roots” also prevent further shrinkage of your jaw bone and gingival tissue. Your jaw bone is actually made stronger with the placement of dental implants.

Types of Dentures in Dallas and Fort Worth

No one wants to be seen without their teeth. Traditional dentures and implant-supported overdentures are both great, affordable ways to replace teeth and give you a reason to smile. Along with the ability to smile, ARCHPOINT also wants you to have the confidence to eat all the foods you love as well as maintain a youthful appearance. 

Because traditional types of dentures rest on the gingival tissue, your bite strength is limited to the strength of your tissue. You may experience difficulty biting into and chewing certain foods. If your denture does not fit properly, you may be unable to eat certain foods.

Overdentures will provide just as much bite strength as natural teeth because dental implants are securely anchored into your jaw bone. With overdentures, you can enjoy all the foods that you once loved before tooth loss without the fear of your denture rocking or slipping out of place. 

The use of overdentures can also help you gain and maintain a more youthful appearance. Traditional dentures allow the bone to resorb, leading to a loss of volume in the lips and a sunken facial appearance. Dental implants, however, preserve your bone mass, maintaining volume and preventing an aging appearance. Wearing these types of dentures provides you with some added benefits compared to traditional versions. 

Schedule a Consultation Today

ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry is your preferred team of dental implant experts in Dallas and Ft. Worth. Whether you’re just beginning your journey of replacing teeth or have been wearing dentures for years, ARCHPOINT can get you smiling again with the confidence you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. Our implant specialists will discuss your smile needs and your personal goals for your oral health, including which types of dentures are best for you. From there, we will work together to determine the process of tooth replacement and how to help you make your vision a reality.

are implants better than teeth

Why are Dental Implants Almost Better Than Real Teeth?

are dental implants better than real teeth

Dental implants are an incredible advancement in technology that can replace one or more missing teeth in your mouth. They look and feel more like natural teeth than traditional dentures or bridges, and they remain stable in your mouth throughout the course of your life. Dental implants can restore confidence in your smile and make it possible to eat just about anything you want without worrying about dentures slipping about or having to cut your meals up into smaller bites. If you’re considering dental implants as a way to replace missing teeth, or wonder if you need to have teeth removed altogether (to replace them with implants) there are several reasons why implants are almost better than real teeth!

The Design Behind Dental Implants

Unlike other tooth replacement options, dental implants are made to resemble real teeth. Not only do they look natural, but they are also the only tooth replacement that functions like independent tooth structures. They stand independently of any other tooth structures in your mouth, making them completely non-invasive to healthy teeth. The implant serves as the “root” of your new tooth, whereas a custom restoration placed on top of the implant restores the visible and functional portion you see above the gumline. 

With dental implants, you will be able to bite and chew just as you would if you had natural teeth. You won’t have to worry about altering your diet or even the way you talk. 

Your body recognizes dental implants as a “natural” part of your smile. When they’re installed, the bone around the surface of the implant fuses the restoration into place. Nothing other than your jaw is needed to support your new tooth. Whereas other types of restorations like bridges or partial dentures rely on other teeth to hold them in place. 

Dental Implants Compared to Natural Teeth

When you look at dental implants and anatomical teeth, there aren’t too many differences. Dental implants are crafted from titanium, an extremely durable material, and tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the entire human body. Both can be used to eat normally, assuming the tooth is healthy. Both support healthy bone density around them, reducing premature aging in your facial profile. Both are attractive when you smile, especially because dental implants can be crafted to look however you want them to look. 

Dental implants are the next best option when you don’t have any remaining natural teeth. 

Implants are Stronger Than Healthy Teeth

One dental implant can support the biting pressure of multiple teeth.  Dental implants are more resilient to wear and tear than real teeth because they don’t have as many soft tissues that decay or weaken over time. Because the titanium in the dental implant is physically stronger than teeth are, as few as 4-6 implants can be used at a time to support a full-arch dental prosthesis. That means if you have 14 teeth missing in your upper jaw, only 4-6 implants can anchor the permanent hybrid appliance that rebuilds the entire upper portion of your smile. Having fewer implants than teeth will not in any way alter your chewing or biting abilities.

No More Cavities

Teeth that have been replaced with dental implants cannot get cavities. If you’ve been plagued by chronic tooth decay and have teeth that are non-restorable, dental implants are an excellent solution.  Implants do not require fillings and each one is topped off with a ceramic crown or similar “tooth” replacement over your gum tissues. Plus, implants come in many different shapes, sizes, and colors to help you get a smile that reflects your style.

All of that being said, it’s still important to brush and floss your dental implants daily. Even though implants can’t get cavities, they are still susceptible to gum infections. For example, if you develop peri-implantitis (the implant form of gum disease) it can cause the implant to come loose and fall out of your mouth. So you still need to incorporate a good flossing routine and brush everything twice a day. 

Fewer Implants for Full Mouth Restoration

Implants can replace a full arch of teeth with just four or six implants. Implant-supported restorations like “All-on-4”, “All-on-6”, and even implant stabilized overdentures won’t shift or fall out of your mouth like traditional dentures. As few as four implants total will predictably and permanently replace all of the teeth in your jaw, thanks to their strength and predictability. You don’t need to pay for a dental implant in each location where there’s a missing tooth. That’s just one of many reasons why implants are the most cost-effective option for anyone restoring their smile. 

A Lifelong Tooth Replacement

The permanence of implants is one of the biggest reasons why they’re the best solution for anyone with missing teeth. Their success rate alone is higher than any other modern restoration. It’s estimated that 98% of dental implants last for life, assuming you care for them properly. That means it’s typically a one-time investment and you’re done. Unlike having to update and replace bridges, partials, or dentures every so many years. 

Implants are Just as Easy to Care For

Just like your other teeth, you need to take care of dental implants by brushing twice a day and flossing them daily. Although they won’t get cavities, they can fall victim to gum disease if you don’t floss and brush thoroughly every day. It’s important to maintain proper oral hygiene habits to avoid pain or infection. No special tools are needed unless you have a full-arch prosthesis (such as an All-on-4.) In that case, having a water flosser or proxy-brush will easily clean hard-to-reach spaces. 

Should You Remove Your Teeth to Get Dental Implants?

If you are considering getting implants, it is important to know that a tooth extraction is your last resort. If possible, it is best to keep natural teeth whenever you can. That may mean periodontal therapy, endodontic treatment, or a full coverage crown over your damaged tooth. But if you do have severely diseased teeth that are non-restorable, removing them is best to establish a healthy oral environment. And in those situations, dental implants allow for much better functionality than dentures because they function like independent tooth structures.

Dental Implants in Dallas, Ft. Worth

Thinking about getting dental implants? Reserve a no-pressure consultation at ARCHPOINT today!

overdentures vs. all-on-4

Overdentures and All-on-4: Can’t Decide Between the Two? Here’s What You Need to Know

can't decide between overdentures or all-on-4?

If you’re looking to replace missing teeth, there are two main alternatives to traditional dentures: implant-stabilized overdentures (also called “snap-on” or “clip-in” dentures) and All-on-4 dental implants. Both of these approaches involve placing dental implants in your mouth, but that’s where the similarity stops. Here’s what you need to know about each of these approaches to tooth replacement so you can make an informed decision about your own treatment plan.

Overview: Two Types of Tooth Replacement 

When it comes to a snap-on overdenture, the principle behind this solution is simple: snap-on dentures fit over your gums (assuming all teeth in that arch are missing) and attach on top of dental implants to keep them in place. Anywhere between 2-4 implants are usually used. The restoration looks like a traditional denture, except there are special “locators” under the base. Each of these locators has a corresponding dental implant inside of your mouth, which it attaches onto whenever you put it into place. And as you might guess, snap-on overdentures are still removable. You won’t sleep in them at night and you need to take them out to clean them properly.

All-on-4 dental implants are permanent. There’s nothing to remove or snap into place. Once they’re there, they’re there for good. The hybrid device is more streamlined in shape, so you get a more discreet and comfortable prosthesis that follows the contour of your jaw. Plus, an All-on-4 is more cost-effective than placing a dental implant in every single location of each missing tooth. 

Removable vs. Non-Removable: Which Option is Better for Me?

 There are several advantages to a snap-on overdenture, including: reduced irritation to your gum tissues and better stability whenever you’re talking or eating. Most patients also report that their bite feels more secure after getting an overdenture compared to when they wore dentures. But overdentures are meant to remove, so if you have any reason why that might not be right for you, All-on-4 treatments are a better choice. 

Removable overdentures are also more affordable to get into than a permanent hybrid treatment. Some of our patients use them as a step-up from conventional dentures even if they plan to get All-on-4 treatment sometime in the future. 

When you’re looking for permanent replacement teeth that you never have to take out and probably never have to update, then All-on-4 is by far the best choice. You won’t have to worry about any embarrassing situations where other people see you with your teeth out at night. And they’ll never slip or rub when you’re talking or eating. It’s like restoring your full oral function back to what it was with a full set of healthy teeth. Whereas overdentures have a slightly reduced biting and chewing function when you compare them to All-on-4. 

Do I Qualify for All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Dental implants will be an attractive option for you if you’re missing all your teeth or want to replace your conventional dentures. But not everyone qualifies for dental implants due to their health, bone loss, medications, or other factors. In fact, rushing into full-arch implant treatment without the right exam and medical clearance could set your investment up for failure if it’s performed by an inexperienced provider. 

At ARCHPOINT, our dental implant team is made up of specialists who are experts in oral rehabilitation and dental implant installation. Even if you’ve been told that dental implants aren’t an option for you in the past, that might not be the case if you’re working with a specialist. For instance, if you require bone grafting or a sinus lift, we can incorporate that into your care plan where a traditional dental office doesn’t have the resources to do so. 

All-on-4 implant candidates are typically missing all of their teeth already, currently wear dentures, or need to have their remaining teeth removed for some reason. They also have areas of dense bone, where the dental implants need to be installed. Even with bone loss, Zygomatic dental implants can still make this treatment accessible. Our specialists will also review your medical history and any medications you’re taking, to ensure nothing is going to interfere with the integration of your new implants. 

When Overdentures Might Be a Good Idea

Overdentures are a good choice for certain people. Usually, when you understand the difference between dentures, overdentures, and All-on-4, you typically have a good idea of whether or not snap-on dentures are your best choice. An overdenture is more affordable initially than going straight into a permanent hybrid appliance, making it a popular option for people who may not want to invest as much into their smile reconstruction. For others, they’re an interim solution before they’re ready to finally upgrade to something more permanent. 

If you struggle with loose or uncomfortable dentures, an overdenture is a practical solution. Especially since as little as two dental implants can be used for support.

Can I Retrofit My Current Denture?

Dentures can sometimes be retrofitted to snap onto dental implants. But not always. Usually retrofitting a denture is only possible if the prosthesis is still fairly new and in good condition. Much of it will depend on the depth of the “plate” and where the implants can be installed in your mouth. You’re essentially wanting to see whether the stars align, so to speak. If you’re considering having your denture adjusted or retrofitted into an overdenture, be sure to bring it with you to your appointment at ARCHPOINT. 

Benefits of Overdentures vs. All-on-4

At the end of the day, what matters most is how comfortable you are with your dentures and if you want them to be permanent vs. more affordable. Both overdentures and All-on-4 can provide good results. However, overdentures are more affordable than All-on-4 implant systems, making them easier for some people to get into if they require full-arch reconstruction on a tighter budget. But if you want a permanent solution that feels closer to natural teeth, then All-on-4 implants are probably the best option for you.

Reserve a Consultation Today

Call ARCHPOINT in Dallas or Ft. Worth today to reserve an appointment with our implant specialists. 

am I too old for dental implants?

How Old is Too Old for Dental Implants?

If you’re looking into getting dental implants, you might have wondered how old is too old for dental implants? There are many myths surrounding age and implants, some of which have no basis and others that have more truth to them than you might think. We’ll break down the truth behind the myths of age and dental implants so that you can make the most informed decision possible when it comes to your oral health.

Age Is Just a Number, Right?

Let’s set the record straight, age has nothing to do with dental implant treatment. That is, assuming that you’re old enough that your mouth is fully developed (we don’t place dental implants in children.) The truth is, people are living longer than they have in years and to stay healthy, we need teeth to eat with. 

You’re not too old to get dental implants. Braces are a perfect example. More adults are getting braces today than ever before because they have better access to orthodontic treatment. Maybe their parents couldn’t afford braces when they were growing up and now that they’re fiscally independent, they can invest in treatment for themselves. It’s not uncommon to see people get braces in their 40s, 50s, or even their 60s. Dental implants aren’t all that different!

The Misconception That You’re Going to Lose All of Your Teeth

There is a common misconception that tooth loss is a natural result of aging. But that’s not true. Just because your parents may have gotten dentures at a young age doesn’t mean you will. At ARCHPOINT we encourage our patients to retain their natural teeth whenever possible. But if they have certain non-restorable teeth that need to be removed, or multiple teeth already missing, dental implants are the next best solution.

As we age, dental implants allow us to eat nutritious foods that we need for a healthy, functional immune system. Investing in replacing missing teeth, including getting dental implants, can help you stay healthier, longer. All the while, your dental implants can help preserve the adjacent teeth since they are non-invasive to other tooth structures. And we need that even more the older we get.

Are Dentures the Only Option If I Have Bad Teeth?

Dentures are a traditional tooth replacement that has been used not just for decades, but centuries. Partial dentures included. But today there are more options than ever when it comes to replacing missing teeth for functional purposes. 

For example, dental implants can be used for single teeth, multiple-tooth dental bridges, clip-on overdentures, or even full-arch All-on-4 hybrid appliances. Dental implants improve chewing and speaking, decrease oral complications, and even help a person’s smile look better. You’re never too old to benefit from improved oral function, regardless of how many teeth are missing. 

The Minimally-Invasive Design of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a minimally invasive procedure that is also safe for other teeth. The implant itself can usually be placed in a discreet surgical procedure using only local anesthetic (although sedation may be preferred if you’re getting multiple dental implants.) The conservative design of the implant and how it fits in the jaw also reduces discomfort and improves recovery after your surgery.

As an added bonus, dental implants are non-invasive to adjacent teeth. No healthy tooth structures need to be “ground down” or “reshaped” to create room for the implant, as you would see with a bridge or possibly even a partial denture. 

Because dental implant surgery is minimal and straightforward, being older doesn’t typically prohibit you from requesting this type of treatment. That being said, if you’re on blood thinners or have recently had a joint replaced, among other things, you might still need a medical clearance from your physician. That’s something our ARCHPOINT implant dentists are happy to speak with you about. 

Age and Bone Loss: How it Impacts Implant Placement

It’s easy to be confused by age and bone loss, but it doesn’t necessarily have an impact on your dental implant placement. Does aging cause bone loss in your jaws? Not necessarily. Healthy bone density in your jaws can remain fairly consistent as we age, depending on a few factors, including any medications that you’re taking. But there is one major thing to keep in mind. The longer you go with missing teeth, the more bone loss you’ll have in your jaws. And the more bone loss there is, the more challenging it can be to install dental implants. 

That’s where working with a specialist comes into play. When you have an implant expert performing your procedure, you have access to a wider variety of treatment techniques. For example, switching out traditional implants with Zygomatic dental implants or mini dental implants. Or adding bone grafting and a sinus lift into your care plan. Whatever is needed to create the right foundation for your dental implants, the ARCHPOINT team of specialists can help make that possible. 

The Longer You Wear Dentures…

Wearing dentures will take a toll on your jaw bone as the years go by. Long-term denture wear leads to continual pressure on your jaw, which then triggers bone loss. Your jaw bone, which is an important aspect of supporting your dentures, will shrink and become thinner over time the longer you go with missing teeth. And it can be amplified due to being in a continuous state of compression and tissue loss, especially if you ever make the mistake of sleeping in your dentures.  Once your jawbone gets too thin, the more difficult it becomes to place any type of dental implant. 

Is it Too Late to Get Dental Implants?

Even if you have thin bones, already show signs of bone loss, or are over the age of 60, you shouldn’t rule out dental implant treatment in DFW. The specialists at ARCHPOINT will gladly present you with all of your options and recommend the healthiest, safest treatment choices that fit your smile and lifestyle. 

Implant Dentists in DFW

Reserve your dental implant consultation at ARHPOINT today. Call our Dallas or Fort Worth location now to schedule.