zygomatic implants in DFW

Pairing Zygomatic Implants with All-on-4 Treatment

There are all sorts of reasons why patients don’t qualify for traditional dental implants, especially if they have extensive bone loss or have gone years wearing dentures. If you’re someone hoping to get All-on-4 or All-on-6 treatment, not having enough bone support can be a deal breaker. Fortunately, traditional dental implants aren’t the only option in these cases; zygomatic dental implants can still be an excellent option to restore your smile. Zygomatic dental implants differ from traditional dental implants because they attach to the bone on either side of the jaw, instead of anchoring directly into the jawbone like traditional implants do. That means if you’ve had extensive bone loss, All-on-4 or All-on-6 treatment isn’t completely off the table. 

What are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Zygomatic dental implants are a simple, long-lasting way to support the function of your teeth. Unlike traditional implants, zygomatic implants don’t set inside of the same bone where tooth roots are usually anchored. Rather, they are positioned at an angle and are slightly longer, reaching up into the bone adjacent to your jaw. This bone is called the “zygomatic arch” but most of us refer to it as our cheekbone. In many cases, zygomatic dental implants can be used to anchor full-arch dental treatments such as All-on-4 or All-on-6 prosthetics. 

What Makes Zygomatic Implants Different From Other Dental Implants?

Zygomatic dental implants are different than traditional dental implants in the sense that they are anchored to the zygomatic bone, which is a small prominence of the cheekbone under the eye. It takes two zygomatic implants, one on either side of the mouth and usually paired with traditional implants up front, to help anchor full arch treatment. 

Traditional dental implants are instead anchored directly into the bone where an anatomical tooth root would typically sit. They are essentially the same size and shape of a natural tooth and fuse into the jaw at that location. But when there isn’t enough bone support, it’s impossible to place them properly.

If you don’t qualify for traditional implants due to insufficient bone height, a pair of zygomatic implants can still offer you the chance of more advanced treatments like All-on-4 or All-on-6 treatment. They make up part of a comprehensive plan for more complex full-mouth reconstruction cases. 

What Is Involved In Getting Full Arch, “All On” Dental Implant Treatment With The Help Of Zygomatic Implants?

Full mouth reconstruction treatments like All-on-4 therapies are spread out over the course of several months. The goal is for the implants to have ample time to “integrate” with the supporting bone. Once they are fully integrated, your implants or zygomatic implants can then support a fixed prosthesis on top of them. 

Your smile rehabilitation process will begin with a comprehensive examination and treatment planning session. During this process, we will determine which type of dental implants you need, if zygomatic implants are recommended, and whether adjunctive therapies like extractions or sinus lift surgery are required. We will also determine the best option for your comfort, which could include in-house sedation (most people prefer to “tune out” the entire process.) Next, we plan your surgical date. This is the day we install your dental implants. Each implant is covered with gum tissue to allow the surgical site to fully heal and integrate properly. About 3-6 months later, the implants are exposed and special abutments are attached to them, and then the “All-on” appliance is fixed into place. 

While full-arch rehabilitation with All-on-4 or All-on-6 isn’t a same day process, the investment is well worth it! You’ll get to enjoy a permanent, strong restoration that looks and feels as great as natural teeth. 

Who Is A Good Candidate For A Zygomatic Implant Treatment Plan?

Zygomatic implants are not recommended for people who only have missing teeth in the front of their mouth or ample bone to support traditional dental implants. Since they are a slightly more advanced procedure than a typical implant placement, traditional designs are usually preferred. Additionally, it’s hard to place them in close proximity to other teeth that might be required for retention, so you are usually only getting zygomatic implants if you need an All-on-4 or All-on-6 appliance. 

The typical candidate for zygomatic implants is usually someone who has been told, “You don’t qualify for dental implants or All-on-4 because of bone loss.” In those scenarios, our DFW implant specialists place the zygomatic implants at an angle to maximize the healthy bone you do have. But only more advanced implant clinics typically offer this service. 

Why Are There Fewer Complications When Using Zygomatic Implants In Conjunction With Traditional Implants?

Yes, if you have bone loss. Without ample bone support, traditional dental implants cannot support the weight of an All-on-4 or All-on-6 prosthesis. The pressure would potentially loosen the implants further back in your mouth when there is only little bone holding them in place. Whereas with zygomatic implants, there’s no added risk of implant failure because of existing bone loss. They are the healthier and safer solution when you still need to restore your entire mouth. 

Who Can Perform My Oral Surgery Procedure?

Your best choice for placing zygomatic dental implants is to see a dental implant specialist. Dental implant specialists like prosthodontists, periodontists, and oral surgeons are expert dentists who have taken special education courses to learn the ins and outs of dental implants and have perfected their skills by gaining added years of experience in the field.

Because zygomatic implants are a specialty type of procedure, you need to look for someone who has the required knowledge and experience before choosing which dentist to see. A specialist will work with you on developing a treatment plan that meets your needs, budget, and dental health goals. Your specialist will also be able to advise you on all of your options, so that you can feel confident making an informed decision that’s right for you.

At ARCHPOINT, we have an in-house team of multiple dental specialties represented. As such, we can provide some of the most complex types of treatment without any outside referrals. 

Reserve a Consultation at ARCHPOINT Today

Contact ARCHPOINT today to reserve your first exam. We’re conveniently located with offices both in Dallas and Fort Worth.

caring for dental implants

Caring for Dental Implants: Top Tips

Once you’ve gotten your dental implants, it’s important to take care of them properly at home to ensure they remain healthy and strong. However, with the wide variety of dental implant systems available on the market, there are so many different products and methods to choose from that it can be difficult to know where to start. With that in mind, we’ve put together this comprehensive list of our top tips for taking care of your dental implants!

Brush Around Your Dental Implants Twice a Day

Just like your natural teeth, your implants need to be brushed twice a day to remove plaque and bacteria. When brushing around implants, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle circular motions or extremely short back-and-forth strokes. 

Be sure to brush all surfaces of the implant, including the top, sides, and along the gum tissues. You may also want to use an interdental brush to get in between your implants and clean them thoroughly if there are open spaces where a toothbrush doesn’t reach. 

It’s a good idea to use a fluoride toothpaste if you still have any remaining teeth in your mouth. Otherwise, select a nonabrasive toothpaste of your choice. 

Floss or Water Floss Around the Base of Each Implant Tooth

It’s important to keep the base of each implant tooth clean, as this is where bacteria can build up and cause problems. Even though your implants won’t get cavities, it’s still possible to get gingivitis or peri-implant (gum) disease around them, so flossing is a must.

The best way to clean around the base of an implant tooth is to floss or use a water flosser. Water flossing is especially effective, as the water pressure can help remove plaque and debris from around the implant in hard-to-reach spaces, like under bridges or around All-on-4 treatments. 

Brushing only cleans about 60% of your tooth and implant surfaces, so flossing/water flossing is completely necessary for implant patients each day. 

Wear a Night Guard if You Have Dental Implants

A night guard is a custom-made oral appliance that you wear over your teeth to prevent wear to your dental crowns, bridges, or other implant restorations. Wearing a night guard can help reduce the risk of damage to your dental work and can also help reduce headaches and jaw pain. Since chronic teeth clenching or grinding can break both teeth and dental restorations, a nightguard is an important investment in your smile. 

First, choose a night guard that fits comfortably over your teeth. For most people, that’s a custom appliance that their dentist makes in the office using an impression of your bite. The more contoured fit offers better protection and security, so you’ll be more likely to wear it all night long. 

Keep Your Gums Healthy

Your gums play an important role in the integrity and lifespan of your dental implants. If your gums become infected, it can lead to implant failure. Fortunately, good oral hygiene will ensure your implant investment lasts decades, if not a lifetime. 

To keep your gums healthy, brush and floss regularly, and see your dentist for regular cleanings. The main goal is to prevent any type of inflammation or plaque and tartar buildup close to the gum tissues. Buildup can attach to implants, which is why your brushing and flossing routine are still so important. If you notice any changes in your gums, such as redness, swelling, or bleeding, be sure to see your dentist right away. 

Like periodontal disease, peri-implantitis (gum disease around dental implants) needs to be treated promptly. For best results, see your dentist at least twice a year or if redness around implants persists for more than a week. 

Use Alcohol-Free Mouthrinse

Alcohol-free mouthwash is important for people with dental implants or even if you struggle with dry mouth. Alcohol can cause dry gum tissues, which may lead to other complications, such as delayed healing times. Plus, dry mouth can lead to bad breath. 

Try to stick with a gentler, alcohol-free mouth rinse that contains essential oils. Essential oils don’t just boost the freshness of your breath; they also have antimicrobial capabilities to help manage gingivitis and gum disease. 

Avoid Tobacco Products with Dental Implants

Tobacco products are one of the more common causes of dental implant failure and tooth loss. When you use tobacco products, they can damage your teeth and gums because of how much it suppresses the healing process. All too often, people who smoke tend to experience more advanced gum and bone loss around their teeth and implants without ever realizing there’s even an infection. Plus, tobacco products can stain your teeth and implant restorations, making them look dark and dingy. If you want to keep your dental implants healthy, it’s best to avoid tobacco products altogether.

Visit Your Dentist for Regular Checkups

Just like regular teeth, dental implants need to be professionally cleaned and evaluated by your dental team twice a year. You should visit your dentist and hygienist for regular checkups every six months at least. They will evaluate your gum health and bone levels, perform an oral cancer screening, and clean your dental implants. While at-home care is important, only a professional can clean certain areas of your dental work, so routine visits are necessary even if you no longer have any “natural” teeth. 

If you notice that there is any visible tartar buildup across your smile, infected gums, or something similar, more frequent visits may be needed. 

Your DFW Dental Implant Specialists

ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry is committed to ensuring a successful experience for each of our dental implant clients. Not only are we here to oversee the planning and placement of your new implants, but we want to also ensure the long-term success of your entire smile. 

For advice on cleaning your dental implants or to have them evaluated by a specialist, feel free to call our office in Dallas or Ft. Worth. The ARCHPOINT implant team is always happy to assist our patients, even if you had your implants placed elsewhere.

bone grafting for dental implants

Bone Grafting For Dental Implants: How To Know When You Need It

The most common dental implant procedure performed today uses the Osseointegrated Implant System (OIS). However, the success of this procedure relies on you having enough bone to securely anchor the implant to. If you have extensive bone loss because of missing teeth, wearing dentures, periodontal disease, or other bone loss, bone grafting may be ideal for you because it will help you recover as much bone as possible. Read on to learn more about when bone grafting should be used with dental implants and how it works.

What Is A Bone Graft?

A bone graft is a surgical procedure that replaces missing bone in order to repair structures like your jaw or the bone that supports teeth and implants. The bone graft can be taken from another part of your body, or it can be a synthetic or natural bone substitute. Bone grafting is often used to repair bones that have been damaged by injury or disease, such as periodontitis or natural resorption after a tooth falls out. In some cases, bone grafting is used to build up bones for dental implants.

Why Does The Procedure Need To Be Done?

A bone graft procedure is necessary because bone does not grow back by itself. This special procedure helps strengthen your jaws and makes them more capable of supporting dental implants or the natural teeth you still have. Grafting (augmentation) can also help improve your appearance by promoting a fuller facial profile, as the bone loss may lead to premature aging. Bone grafting is often performed before installing dental implants or around “at risk” teeth that are mobile because of bone loss. 

What Are The Different Types Of Bone Grafts Used?

There are several types of bone grafts used in dental implants: autografts, alloplasts, allografts, and xenografts. Autografts are one of the most common types of bone grafts used. This is when the surgeon takes bone from another area of your body to use for the graft. In some cases, the roots of extracted teeth can also be ground up and used as bone graft material substitutes. Allografts are when the surgeon uses bone from a deceased donor, like an organ transplant. Xenografts are also fairly common, where the implant surgeon uses animal bone for the graft (usually bovine.)

Who Needs A Bone Graft And Why?

If you’re missing teeth, have extensive bone loss, wear dentures, or have periodontal disease, you may need a bone graft. Natural bone resorption (shrinkage) will jeopardize the integrity of your teeth and even prohibit the placement of dental implants. A bone graft will add bone to your jaw in order to create a solid foundation for dental implants so that you can preserve or restore your smile in the most predictable manner possible. 

What’s Involved In Having A Bone Graft?

The first step is to consult with an oral surgeon or implant specialist to see if you’re a candidate for bone grafting. If you are, the next step is to have a CT scan or X-ray taken of your mouth so the surgeon can get a clear picture of your jawbone and the surrounding anatomy where your bone is weak. If a graft is recommended, your implant expert will usually perform the graft either leading up to your procedure, at the time a tooth is removed, or during the placement of your dental implant restoration. 

If your bone graft is placed at the same time as another surgery, such as an extraction or implant placement, your recovery will not be any different than what you can usually expect from those procedures. But if it’s a single procedure and you’re only having a simple bone graft placed, you can usually expect a fairly quick recovery with minimal discomfort. More complex cases could require a pain reliever or a week or two for recovery, but these are less common. 

Will I Be Sedated During a Dental Bone Graft?

One of the first questions patients ask about dental bone grafts is whether or not they will be sedated during the procedure. The answer is that it depends. If you are only having a small amount of bone grafted, a dentist may decide that local anesthesia to numb that immediate area will be more than sufficient. However, if you are having a large amount of bone grafted or if you have a low pain threshold, your surgeon may recommend that you be sedated for the procedure.

When bone grafting is paired with surgical tooth removal or something like sinus lift surgery, then yes, you will more than likely be sedated during your procedure. 

What to Expect After Bone Grafting Treatment

After having a dental bone graft, you can expect the area to have mild to moderate soreness for a few days. You may also have some swelling and bruising if major oral surgery is involved. Your implant dentist will likely prescribe special pain medication and antibiotics to keep inflammation at bay and ensure a comfortable recovery. 

It’s important to take it easy for a few days and not do any strenuous activity or hard workouts. You should also avoid smoking, as this can delay healing. Additionally, you won’t want to chew any hard, crunchy, or hot foods on the side of your mouth with the graft. As long as you keep the area clean and care for it as directed, your gum tissues over the graft should heal up quite quickly.  

Can I Get Dental Implants Without a Bone Graft?

Many people who are missing teeth are good candidates for dental implants without the need for bone augmentation. The first step is to consult with an implant specialist like the team at ARCHPOINT to see if you are a candidate for implant therapy. If you have significant bone loss, you may need a bone graft before getting implants. It’s strictly a case-by-case scenario. Our DFW specialists will use high-resolution imaging and 3D scanning to measure and evaluate your bone, so we can plan for grafting well ahead of your actual implant procedure. 

Cost of Dental Bone Grafting

The cost of dental bone grafting can vary depending on the material used and the processes required. However, it is typically around a few hundred dollars or more for the graft itself. This cost may be covered by insurance if it is deemed medically necessary. But keep in mind that this fee is usually rolled into your comprehensive treatment plan along with sedation, tooth removal, or dental implant placement. It isn’t something that you usually make a separate appointment for.

Contact ARCHPOINT today to reserve your next appointment!

dental implants in dallas and fort worth

Dental Implants FAQ

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental Implants are small titanium posts that replace the roots of missing teeth. A small surgical procedure is required to place the implants,  which can be performed in the comfort of our specialized dental offices in Fort Worth or Dallas. 

dental implants in dallas and fort worth

How Do Dental Implants Work?

The small titanium posts of the dental implants are inserted into your jawbone, and then a porcelain tooth crown is attached to replace the missing teeth. These porcelain crowns are custom-designed and crafted to resemble your natural tooth nearly identically.

Each dental implant case is different, as each patient is unique. In some cases, dental implants will need to fuse with the bone for several months before the crown is installed permanently. In other cases, you can have a temporary crown placed and a new set of teeth on the same day your implant is done.

Our prosthodontists in Fort Worth or Dallas will consult with you to provide the best treatment plan depending on your unique case. 

The Advantages of Dental Implants

It is no secret that dental implant technology has advanced in recent years and has become the ideal and go-to tooth replacement solution; This is because of the many advantages it boasts over other procedures. Because of the latest innovations in implant dentistry, you could benefit greatly from dental implants, even if you did not qualify before. The dental implants that we offer in Dallas and Fort Worth are done by some of the most experienced and dedicated implant specialists in the state of Texas, if not the nation. Choosing a team of experts like ours ensures that you will benefit from all the advantages dental implants have to offer.

Dental implants provide many advantages and benefits in comparison to other teeth replacement options, such as:

  • Dental implants last a lifetime
  • They act and behave like natural teeth
  • Dental implants prevent bone loss
  • Adjacent teeth are secured when the implants are placed  
  • Facial sagging and premature aging risks are reduced when missing teeth are replaced with implants
  • The success rate of dental implants is impressive, at 95 to 98% when placed by specialists 
  • Dental implants can help keep gums disease-free
  • You can care for your dental implants just as you would your natural teeth 
  • Patients experience better mental health and improved confidence with dental implants. 
Pat-Williams-Before Picture dental implant dallas fort worth
*ARCHPOINT Actual Patient Before
Pat-Williams-After Picture dental implants dallas fort worth
*ARCHPOINT Actual Patient After

What Are the Downsides of Dental Implants? 

Much like any other dental procedure, there can be potential downsides to dental implants in some cases. Here are a few reasons why you may not be eligible for dental implants:

  • Dental implants are not suited for everyone; those who may not be candidates include:
    • Smokers 
    • Those with any health condition that affects bone mass 
    • Those who are generally unhealthy
    • Patients with jaw structure that is not of adequate size to support implants. 
  • Dental Implants can be more costly upfront when compared to other tooth-replacement alternatives. However, although implants cost more than dentures or bridges upfront, the long-term costs are less as they are permanent, while dentures need to be replaced regularly.
  • Several appointments. This is dependent upon your bone growth speed and the type of implant treatment you require. You may need to attend several appointments at our offices in Dallas or Fort Worth before the implants are permanently fixed. 
  • Unlike alternative tooth replacement treatments, minor operations on the gum and jaw are required for dental implant placement. A local or general anesthetic will be used for the procedures. 
  • While dental implants have a high success rate, there is still a low risk for complications such as damage to teeth, blood vessels, and nerves and the risk of gum infections and potential for sinus issues. These risks are reduced if you choose one of our highly-trained dental implant specialists in Forth Worth or Dallas. 

Your dental implant specialists in Fort Worth or Dallas will happily consult with you and put your mind at ease regarding any proposed risks of dental implants in your unique case. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Implant Procedures?

If you are inquiring about dental implants in Dallas and Fort Worth then you have likely heard about there being different types of dental implant options and procedures. Here at ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry, our experts offer the following services:

Are Dental Implants Worth It? Yes, & Here Is Why.

Dental implants are most certainly worth the expense and time if you need to replace a missing tooth or multiple teeth. Although dental implants seem expensive, they are a permanent replacement solution with a high success rate. 

Unlike other teeth replacement solutions that can require daily maintenance and replacements or upgrades each year, dental implants require a one-time investment, and you can continue to live your life as you did when you had all your natural teeth. Considering the many benefits, factors, and long-lasting effects, dental implants are the ideal tooth-replacement solution in current times.

What Do Dental Implants Cost?

Dental implants cost between $4,000 to $5,500 per tooth for the abutment and crown – this includes extraction, anesthesia, follow-up costs, etc. If major grafting is needed, it can add up to $2,500 per site.

A three-unit implant bridge (two implants with a pontic) can cost around $10,000 if no major grafting is needed. When you see dental implants advertised for less, it is likely because the cost that is being promoted is excluding the necessary inclusions and procedures.

What Do Dental Implants in Dallas and Fort Worth Cost?

Dental implants in Dallas and Fort Worth will range similarly to the quoted cost nationally. They will be priced according to your unique case and treatment requirements. If you require complicated grafting this will increase the cost of the implants. They will also be priced differently based on the level of experience of your dentist or dental implant specialist, the type of dental implant treatment, and the location of the dental practice. 

While you may find general dentists offering lower prices for dental implants in Dallas and Fort Worth, it is crucial to consider the risk of not having your implants placed by a dental implant specialist that is trained specifically for this complicated procedure. Our DFW dental implant center is the home of some of the best specialists in the state, who have placed thousands of implants. 

Archpoint Implant Dentistry is well known and top-rated in Dallas and in Fort Worth due to not only our experienced dental implant specialists but also our in-house team.

Your implant specialists at either one of our dental practices will be able to advise on all dental implants cost and other queries. 

Dental implant specialists dallas fort worth

What Do Full Arch Dental Implants Cost?

Full arch dental implants cost around $15,000 per arch. This price can go up depending on the materials used and the patient’s unique needs.

Archpoint’s specialists in dental implants in Dallas and Fort Worth can get patients out of their current condition by extracting remaining teeth, clearing all of the infection, and giving them back their smiles at this cost. However, patients will potentially need to upgrade those teeth with stronger materials later on down the road. 

Our specialists will inform you that the best material in the market for dental implants is zirconia. Costs can be an additional $9,000 for zirconia teeth, but these dental implants are made to last a lifetime. Just as natural teeth need to be cared for at home and professionally in order for them to last, dental implants are no different. Once a patient has a full arch, they will need to come back for routine maintenance/cleaning, which is around $125 per arch.

To learn about the financing options available for Dental Implants, you can visit our Financial Options page here.

What Factors Impact The Cost Of Dental Implants?

While dental implants are more costly than other teeth-replacement solutions, they are the best solution for getting your smile back. If you have considered dental implants but are concerned about the cost, we understand why. Although dental implants require a higher upfront cost, the result is stable, beautiful, and permanent teeth that last a lifetime. Dental implants allow you to live life as you would with your natural teeth, from your daily oral care routine to your diet. 

Dental implants give you back the freedom and confidence that other tooth-replacement options do not. 

Dental implants can function as normal teeth as they replace both the roots and crowns of missing or damaged teeth. Other tooth replacement solutions only restore the visible parts of the missing teeth in which they cannot mimic natural teeth and require replacements throughout the years, which can end up costing more than dental implants in the long run.

Here are a few factors that impact the cost of dental implants:

  • Dentist experience and qualifications – Highly trained dentists with more experience will have higher fees, like any other professional in any other field. Our dental implant specialists at our Dallas and Fort Worth practices have been highly trained, have placed thousands of dental implants, and are reputable in the dentistry industry. Speak to your specialist at one of our practices to discuss payment plans and insurance.
  • The type and number of implants Titanium is one of the materials used for implant posts because it is bio-compatible, sturdy, and affordable. Implant posts can also be made from ceramic or zirconia.

    Zirconia is a popular choice for dental implants and is a non-metal substitute for titanium. It is bioinert, meaning the risk for chemical reactions is mitigated. It also will not migrate anywhere else in the body or corrode. Due to its innate white color, zirconia increases the organic look of the implant and imitates one’s natural teeth.

    Your dental implant specialists will help you decide which material is right for you. Depending on the material you choose, the cost will be further affected by the number of posts needed.

  • The number of teeth being treated – If you require more than one implant, the cost of your surgery will be more than a single implant. Depending on your overall oral health, you may need replacements at different times which will also affect the price.
  • Additional procedures If you need tooth extractions, periodontal therapy, or bone grafting before your implant treatment, you’ll need to factor these fees into the total cost of your dental implants.
  • Dental insurance and benefits Dental insurance can sometimes be used to begin your out-of-pocket expense. In some cases, you can use your policy to lower other costs of your treatment, such as imaging, consultation, and restorations, after reaching your annual deductible insurance. In a few cases, medical insurance can also be leveraged.
  • The use of in-house or outside labs Specialists in a lab setting will custom-make your implants. Some dental implant surgical centers make use of their lab facilities to control the costs of implant production. This means that they will often offer prosthetic teeth to patients at a more affordable price compared to dentists that may use an outsourced lab.

    Here at Archpoint Implant Dentistry, we do utilize an in-house lab and are therefore able to offer more affordable dental implants in Dallas and Fort Worth than some other implant specialists.
  • The location of your teeth – The cost of your procedure may be impacted if there are some difficult teeth to replace. Front teeth are more expensive to replace because the surgical process is more complicated due to the matching of the jawline.
  • The location of your dentist – In some areas, the cost of living and general economic environment is higher will impact the cost of your dental implant procedure. You are likely to pay more in larger, established cities than in rural and urban areas.
  • Your overall oral health – If you have any health issues, you will most likely require prior treatments to ensure your mouth is healthy enough for dental implants.
  • The required anesthesia levels – Your dentists will use local anesthesia, general anesthesia, or sedation. The type of anesthesia used will affect the overall cost.

Why Dental Implants Are Worth the Cost in Both the Short Term & Long Term 

You might be tempted to save on costs by selecting dentures or bridges over dental implants. However, other traditional tooth replacements can be more expensive in the long run due to hidden fees and additional procedures and replacements.

It is also essential to consider that dental implants not only save you money in the long run, but they are worth the cost short term solely due to the advantages and freedoms that you gain back in your daily life. 

You can hear from more of our patients by visiting our testimonials page here.

Here are a few reasons why dental implants can help save money in the long term: 

  • Health costs – Without dental implants or tooth roots, your jawbone begins to deteriorate. This means that the risk of gum disease and additional teeth loss increases which will ultimately affect the amount you need to spend to fix these issues.
  • The long-term costs – Dentures and bridges need to be replaced every five to ten years on average, which affects their initial lower price. You would also have to buy adhesives regularly to stabilize your dentures. Dental implants last for 30+ years, and you won’t need to spend any extra on maintenance.
  • The social costs – Dental implants are solid and fixed in place,  while dentures can slip or make noises when you are talking and eating, which can ultimately affect your confidence.
  • The convenience costs – Dental implants mirror natural teeth; therefore they can be flossed and brushed normally. Dentures require regular cleaning, which can take up time during your day.

best dental implants in dallas fort worth

Cheaper Alternatives To Dental Implants 

Suppose you do not qualify for dental implants because of other oral health issues or because of costs. In that case, your dental implant specialists at our Forth Worth and Dallas practices will consult with you to provide the best alternative treatment plan to replace your missing teeth or tooth. Below are the three alternatives we have to offer our patients:

Where to Get Dental Implants in Dallas and Fort Worth

Archpoint is recognized and reputable due to our in-house team, lab, and highly-trained specialists that have placed thousands of implants. We have also been voted as D-Magazine Top Dentists in DFW several years in a row. Meet our team here! If you would like to learn more, give us a call today to schedule a consultation. 

Our experienced and compassionate team will be delighted to assist you and will gladly recommend the correct dental implant solution for you. We are excited to start this journey with you to your new smile! 

If you want to learn even more about dental implants in Dallas and Fort Worth, you can check out our monthly video series, To The Point™ with our very own, Dr. Nick Hansen.

implant pros and cons

Pros and Cons: Dental Implants

At ARCHPOINT, we believe our dental implant clients deserve the absolute truth when it comes to restoring their smiles. Our specialists are completely open books when it comes to helping our clients plan their smile reconstruction. And that means being honest when it comes to the PROS and CONS of dental implants in DFW. 

What are Dental Implants? 

Dental implants are the modern-day artificial tooth root used for replacing missing teeth. They can be used for single, multiple, or full-mouth tooth replacement, depending on how many teeth need to be restored. They’re biocompatible, hypoallergenic, and made to outperform nearly every other tooth-replacement option in dentistry today. 

Who is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

The ideal candidate for dental implants is someone with missing teeth and healthy bone to support the implant restorations. Every potential candidate will need to be screened beforehand to ensure they have adequate space for the implants. It’s also important to share your medical history to discuss whether there are any pre-existing conditions or medications that need to be considered. 

The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

Here are some of the most notable advantages and disadvantages of getting dental implants. Really!

PRO: Dental Implants Last a Long Time 

A well-maintained dental implant really can last for the rest of your life. No other restoration is able to do that. Once it’s placed properly and you care for it as directed, this investment is one that’s with you for the long haul. In the majority of cases, our implant patients can expect to have it for the rest of their lives. 

CON: The Dental Implant Procedure is Usually Longer 

Rarely is it possible to place and restore dental implants in one day. And even if you do, there are follow-up treatments required. The typical dental implant procedure spans 3-6 months or more, depending on the individual. This time allows your implants to integrate. But when they do, they can last for life! Never rush perfection. 

PRO: Dental Implants Look and Feel Like Real Teeth

The stand-alone design of implants makes them fully independent of the rest of your smile. Their design is modeled after anatomical teeth, so they look and feel natural. Each restoration is crafted for optimal aesthetics and a natural shape so that you can smile with confidence. Even your everyday home care routine is like having real teeth all over again. 

CON: You Get What You Pay For 

When you see cheap same-day dental implants, remember, “buyer beware.” Many of these implant prosthetics are temporary or made from off-market providers, where you can’t easily maintain them. They almost always require additional investments and hidden costs. Thankfully, that’s not the case when you work with our DFW specialists. 

PRO: Implants Offer the Best Return on Investment

When you compare the cost to the outcome of dental implants and other tooth replacements, implants are the clear winner. They’re a one-time investment that you pay for and don’t have to worry about re-paying for every ten years because they don’t wear out. 

CON: The Cost of Dental Implants is Higher Than Other Options 

Yes, dental implant prices are higher than dentures, bridges, or other tooth replacements. Thankfully, you normally only pay for them once instead of replacing them every so many years. On top of that, flexible financing makes them easy to budget so that you don’t have to wait to get them.

PRO: You Can Eat Whatever You Want With Dental Implants

The strength and integrity of dental implants mean none of your favorite foods are off-limits. Unlike dentures, you can bite right into corn on the cob, eat steak, or even chew gum if you want to. You won’t have to cut things up into small pieces or eat soft foods. Implants are stronger than teeth.

CON: Not Everyone Qualifies for Dental Implant Treatment

There are specific criteria—such as dense bone and healthy gum tissue—required to be able to get a dental implant. Even certain medications may disqualify you; fortunately, those are fairly less common. And for people whose mouths aren’t healthy enough for dental implants, other types of implant designs may still be available. 

Alternatives to Dental implants

Maybe you feel like the CONS of dental implants outweigh the PROS. If that’s the case—and you’re still struggling with selecting the best tooth replacement—don’t worry. ARCHPOINT still offers other alternative types of dental implant treatments for people who might not otherwise fit the “traditional” profile of an implant patient. 

For instance, you could consider:

Zygomatic Dental Implants

Someone who doesn’t have enough bone to support traditional dental implants can still get dental implants! That’s exactly why zygomatic implants exist. These alternative implant designs are specifically used in scenarios where there’s extensive bone loss, preventing the need for bone grafting or sinus lifts. Their longer design allows them to be placed at an angle, using the natural cheekbone above and adjacent to the teeth for support.

Snap-on Overdentures/Implant Stabilized Dentures 

This specific implant appliance is like common ground between a traditional denture and All-on-4 implants. In this case, it’s an implant-supported denture (that looks and feels like a regular denture), but it has special attachments underneath. These locators clip or snap onto 2-4 corresponding dental implants in your mouth. Overdentures can sometimes be a same-day treatment option, and they’re much more budget savvy than permanent full-arch appliances. 

Dental implants in Dallas & Fort Worth

Still struggling to decide whether the PROS outweigh the CONS of dental implants in your situation? Our dental implant specialists in Dallas & Fort Worth are open and honest with you when it comes to whether or not implants are right for you. We’re happy to explain how the treatment works in your specific situation and whether or not any alternative dental implant options are available. Don’t forget to ask about our flexible 0% and low-interest payment options. 

Request your no-obligation consultation at ARCHPOINT today to get started. 

best dentist for implant procedure

Who Is Best Qualified To Do Dental Implants? 

If you’re considering getting something as life-changing as dental implant treatment, you want to make sure you choose the right dentist or specialist for the job. How can you know for sure that you’re selecting the best dentist for implants to perform your treatment? 

Not all dentists are implant specialists. And only certain specialists are “implant dentists.” We’ll discuss the various implant specialists that exist—such as prosthodontists, periodontists, and oral surgeons—so that you can more easily choose the best type of dentist to perform your dental implant procedure. 

Why does it matter which dentist you choose? Because implant specialists have additional training, resources, and experience to ensure something as complex as full mouth reconstruction is delivered safely and with a predictable outcome. You don’t want to risk anything less. 

What Are Dental Implants For? 

Dental implants are a unique type of tooth replacement that’s made to last a lifetime. They don’t rely on other teeth for support like bridges or partials do. And they aren’t removable or bulky like dentures. DFW dental implants are the only tooth replacement that physically mirrors the appearance of natural, anatomical teeth. Both aesthetically and functionally. 

The independent design of implants makes it possible to place them adjacent to your existing teeth. They eliminate the need for reshaping teeth to anchor a bridge or wearing a removable partial denture. Even in the instance of full-mouth reconstruction, as few as four implants can permanently anchor a hybrid All-on-4 appliance. 

Who Is Best Qualified To Do Dental Implants? Best Dentist for Implants.

Before becoming a licensed dentist, every dental student must complete four years of dental school, including rotations and residencies in various care settings. They have a broad knowledge of all aspects of dental care by the time they’re ready to sit for their board exams. After passing their boards, they are licensed to perform general or family dentistry.

However, some dentists choose to return to school for an additional 2-3 years to specialize in specific areas of care. Once they do, they become experts in their field and only provide care within that specific area of dentistry. Additionally, these specialists can go on to become board-certified, with further credentials to show their level of expertise. Prosthodontists, oral surgeons, and periodontists are just a few examples of the types of dental specialists recognized by the ADA. They are the only three types of dentists who specialize in dental implant therapy and are the best dentist for implants.

Choosing a prosthodontist or oral surgeon expert ensures that the entire implant procedure can be performed by that provider, regardless of its complexity. General dentists often refer their implant clients to these specialists for their implant placement. Prosthodontists are experts in smile reconstruction and oral surgeons in surgical procedures; both are two types of implant specialists. 

For comparison’s sake, it would be like your primary care physician sending you to an endocrinologist to manage your diabetes or to a surgeon to have a broken bone repaired. Legally, they could treat you, but the outcome would likely be completely different than if you chose a specialist for your care to begin with. 

The Dental Implant Procedure

The actual placement of a dental implant requires extensive knowledge of bone anatomy, nerve placement, and soft tissue management away from the teeth. Many dental implant specialists—like the ones here at ARCHPOINT—use 3D imaging to help digitally place the implants prior to the surgical procedure. Especially in instances where the patient has gone an extended amount of time with missing teeth or has excessive bone loss. Once it comes time to place them, implant specialists can do so in a predictable manner; after all, they’ve done the same thing hundreds of times before! Whereas a general dentist might not ever place them at all. 

Are Dental Implants Safe? 

Absolutely. Especially when you select the best dentist for implants. The dental implant process is a precise, yet minimally-invasive, procedure that can predictably restore your smile once and for all. In fact, it’s safer to get dental implants than it is to place something like a fixed bridge because of how those restorations affect your existing teeth. 

Working with an implant specialist will further enhance your safety throughout the procedure. Especially if you’re a unique case where sinus lift surgery or bone augmentation is being performed. Or if you’re getting zygomatic dental implants because you don’t qualify for traditional designs.

Additionally, a licensed dental specialist will also be able to provide deeper levels of sedation in their practice because of their training and licensure, and are the best dentist for implants. For example, at ARCHPOINT, we can complete your dental implant treatment at our Dallas or Ft. Worth location with a sedation medication that allows you to feel like you’re napping throughout the entire placement. Many of our specialists have had intense levels of training within hospital and surgery settings in addition to their formal education, providing them with an intimate understanding of patient safety during surgical procedures. 

Prosthodontist & Oral Surgeon in Dallas and Fort Worth (The Best Dentist for Implants)

At ARCHPOINT, we have a team of dental specialists who have dedicated their careers to enriching other people’s lives through dental implant therapy. Not only are they dental implant experts, but it’s also all that they do!

ARCHPOINT has different licensed experts on staff, like prosthodontists and oral surgeons, who work together to provide comprehensive reconstruction of smiles every day of the week. Their experience, education, and devotion to the field of dental implant therapy are what make us one of the best resources for anyone with missing teeth. 

By bringing the best DFW dental implant specialists together, ARCHPOINT facilitates a safe, predictable experience for every patient. Regardless of the complexity of your smile needs or how many teeth are being replaced. 

Reserve a Consultation Today

Speak to one of our DFW dental implant specialists today to learn more about how they can help you restore your smile. During your consultation, we’ll discuss which options are available, any pros or cons you want to consider, as well as financing and sedation choices available. Your no-obligation evaluation at our Dallas or Fort Worth location is the perfect time to get questions answered and learn more about how our smile specialists can help. 

Call today to reserve your visit!

best dental implants for me

The Best Dental Implants for You

Dental implants are considered to be the best treatment for replacing missing teeth. But with so many different types of implant dentistry treatments available, it can be difficult to identify which dental implant design is best for you. 

At ARCHPOINT, we offer a variety of dental implant treatments to fit the lifestyle, health, and budget of each client. What’s ideal for one person may not be best for someone else, and vice versa.

During your dental implant consultation, we’ll review your priorities and goals, then discuss which types of dental implant treatments will best help you achieve them. For instance, maybe you only need one or two single dental implants or multiple ones. Are you comparing All-on-4 implants to a snap-on denture or zygomatic system? And what about mini dental implants?

Deciding on the best dental implants for you isn’t a decision to take lightly. Working with a team of specialists can help you be better prepared and confident as you navigate the treatment selection process. 

What Are The Best Dental Implants? 

One of the things that ARCHPOINT does is make several types of advanced dental implant designs available, allowing us to curate the tooth replacement process to each individual’s needs. Not everyone qualifies for the same types of dental implants. We’ll review everything from your bone structure and medical history to the shape of your mouth and what budget you want to work with. 

The best dental implant treatment will be one that’s hand-picked for your unique smile. Not the one and the only treatment that’s offered to every patient. Cookie-cutter implant dentistry often sounds too good to be true because it is. 

Types of Dental Implant Treatments 

Every smile is different. That’s why ARCHPOINT  Implant Dentistry offers a variety of dental implant treatments to serve the needs of our clients. No two are alike! Things like your specific oral anatomy, how long you’ve been missing your teeth, and even which medications you take can all factor into selecting one dental implant treatment over another. 

Single Dental Implants 

Stand-alone dental implants are the preferred treatment for replacing missing teeth. They are independent restorations that stand alongside natural teeth, mimicking the function of an anatomical tooth. Single implants also prevent reshaping otherwise healthy tooth structures, which is common in traditional treatments like conventional bridges. 

Single dental implants are the best implant treatment for you if you have one missing tooth and adequate bone to support an implant in that space.

Multiple Dental Implants 

We can place dental implants throughout your mouth to fill in the open spaces created by missing teeth. Multiple dental implants are the best implant treatment for you if you want to avoid altering healthy tooth structures with a conventional bridge or wearing a partial denture. We can also pair dental implants together to support multi-tooth restorations like bridges and All-on-4.

All-On-4 Dental Implants

An All-on-4 implant system replaces all of your upper or lower teeth at one time using only 4-6 dental implants. All-On-4 implants are the best implant treatment for you if you are already missing all of those teeth or need to have them removed. They provide support for a permanent, hybrid appliance that looks and feels more natural than a traditional denture. Since it’s attached to dental implants, there is no bulky “plate” on the roof of your mouth.

Mini Dental Implants 

Someone with limited bone support or narrow spaces may be able to choose a mini dental implant. Mini implants are the best implant treatment for you if you need to replace a lower front tooth or use several small implants to secure a removable overdenture (snap-on denture.)

Implant Bridges 

Dental implant bridges are the best implant treatment for you if you have 3-4 missing teeth in one area and prefer not to wear a removable partial denture. Instead, our DFW implant dentists affix a fixed bridge on top of a pair of dental implants. The secure restoration fills in that open space, replacing multiple teeth at one time. 

Zygomatic Implants 

If you don’t qualify for traditional dental implants or bone grafting, zygomatic (graftless) implants are a great alternative. Zygomatic implants are the best implant treatment for you if you are missing all or most of your teeth and want a permanently affixed full-arch appliance. These designs are ideal for someone who prefers All-on-4 or All-on-6 implants instead of dentures but lacks appropriate bone support.

Snap-on Dentures

For some people, snap-on dentures are the best dental implants option because of their versatility and affordability. A snap-on denture is essentially a conventional denture that’s made to clip or snap onto 2-4 implants. They’re the perfect step up from traditional dentures.

By incorporating implants and creating an “overdenture,” you don’t have to worry about your plate rocking, rubbing, or slipping out of place during the day. The denture snaps on for the day and stays there until you remove it in the evening.

Alternatives to Dental Implants

If you’ve ever been told that you don’t qualify for dental implants, it may be that the provider you saw wasn’t able to offer a more specialized type of dental implant design. You may want to consider working with a team of specialists, like the experts at ARCHPOINT, to discuss which type of implants are the best treatment solution for your circumstances. Alternative designs such as implant-stabilized dentures are almost always an option. Additional alternatives include removable dentures, partials, or conventional fixed bridges that are anchored by natural teeth.

Dental Implants in Dallas & Fort Worth

Every smile is unique, and your needs won’t be the same as someone else’s. Working with a team of the best implant specialists in DFW will mean you have access to the right type of dental implant treatment for your smile. Whether you’re only replacing one or two teeth or are undergoing full mouth reconstruction, ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry offers you the peace of mind and predictability you deserve. Our team of dental experts features some of the leading implant specialists in Dallas and Fort Worth, so your smile will be in great hands. We even offer comfortable dental sedation options as well as affordable financing programs. 

Contact ARCHPOINT today to reserve a no-obligation consultation and find out which implants are best for you.

zygomatic dental implants Dow

Not a Candidate for Dental Implants? Ask About Zygomatic Dental Implants Instead!

Dental implants are one of the most life-changing treatments out there for people who have missing teeth. Unfortunately, not everyone qualifies for traditional dental implant treatment. But even if your dentist tells you that you’re not a candidate, there could be other implant options out there, such as Zygomatic dental implants. The only difference is these alternative implant designs are more specialized, so traditional family practice settings typically don’t have the resources available to offer them in their office. 

If your dentist told you that you don’t qualify for implants, but you’re ready to explore all of your options, the implant specialists at ARCHPOINT could have a solution: Zygomatic dental implants. 

Why Some People Can’t Get Traditional Implants

It’s physically impossible to place dental implants if you have severe bone loss. Anyone with extensive tooth loss or past periodontal disease may have weaker than normal bone, preventing typical implant installation. Or, if they can get implants, numerous osseous surgeries and grafting are needed to create a space for the implants beforehand. This approach can be lengthy, uncomfortable, and demoralizing for someone who just wants to replace their missing teeth. 

There are other options out there, but it takes working with a skilled implant specialist to know what they are. These alternative designs use bone in other areas of your mouth rather than what’s traditionally surrounding healthy tooth roots. Our DFW Zygomatic dental implants are a graft-free procedure that penetrates the cheekbone (zygomatic arch) for retention, allowing them to function the same way as implants, except they’re longer and inserted at an angle. 

Zygomatic implants are a great choice for patients who don’t qualify for traditional dental implants but still want a permanent tooth replacement. 

Who Qualifies for Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Most candidates for Zygomatic implants are individuals who don’t qualify for everyday implant treatment. However, to be eligible for implant therapy, you must be at least 18 years old because we need to make sure all of your orofacial anatomy is completely developed. Most Zygomatic implant clients are much older than that, which is why they have extensive bone loss, so age restrictions normally aren’t a problem. 

Additionally, you also need to go through a medical screening to determine if there are any other health issues that might contraindicate oral surgery. You may also need to disclose whether or not you’re taking any prescriptions for things like blood thinners and osteoporosis medications or if you’ve recently had any type of surgery or been hospitalized. Our implant specialists can connect with your medical provider to discuss any concerns beforehand, so even if you do have an extensive medical history, you may not need to rule out implants. 

Access to 3D Imaging (CBCT Scans) 

In addition to a physical dental exam, our DFW dentists also need to take a series of 3D scans to evaluate your oral anatomy. It’s this 3D information that helps make Zygomatic implants predictable and safe. Since 3D scans allow us to evaluate your entire bone structure from every angle, they help ensure that there is enough space and healthy tissue available to support your implants.

We’ll use your 3D CBCT scan to digitally map out and virtually place your Zygomatic implants leading up to the surgery. This technique eliminates the guesswork of placing implants with traditional two-dimensional X-rays. 

With this added layer of diagnostic information, we can take people who didn’t qualify for dental implants before and still provide them with fixed Zygomatic restorations to restore their smiles. 

Adapting Implant Methods During Bone Loss

What holds a dental implant in place? Bone! Traditional implants are the same length and width as natural teeth. But our bones can shrink and become weaker after tooth loss or gum disease. This can lead to a weakened or narrowed ridge of bone, which isn’t strong enough to hold a dental implant.

People with poor bone quality may need to adjust their implant locations, use a different type of implant, or perform bone augmentation to create “new” bone in that space. Although there are steps that can be taken in order to place implants where the bone isn’t perfect, it should be done by a specialist who will assess each case individually. Or sometimes, not at all. 

People with extensive bone loss may not know Zygomatic dental implants are an option. Especially when they require full-mouth rehabilitation with a system like All-on-4 or All-on-6. Since our specialists can adjust how your Zygomatic implants are installed, you can still enjoy a predictable, complete-mouth restoration experience.

Simply put, Zygomatic implants make dental implant treatment possible when they don’t typically qualify for traditional implant options. 

What Are Zygomatic Dental Implants?

Zygomatic dental implants are not attached to the bone that typically supports tooth roots and other implants. Instead, they tilt at an angle and reach a bit further, allowing your cheekbones (zygomatic arch) to support them. Thus the qualifications for implant treatment are completely different. 

Zygomatic implants are longer than traditional implants. And they need to be because they are placed at an angle rather than straight up or down in the bone. The longer design makes it possible for them to reach into your cheekbone. Once fully integrated, Zygomatic implants can anchor full-arch restorations such as an “All on-4” or “All on-6”.

Structurally, Zygomatic implants are made out of the very same material as traditional implants. The only difference is that since there is not enough bone around where your tooth roots should be, they reach a bit further into the next bony area. 

Easier Treatment for Implant Patients

Many Zygomatic implants can be placed without any additional bone grafting, gum grafting, or sinus lift surgeries (which are common for people with bone loss.) In turn, the Zygomatic implant treatment actually seems easier than finding a way to qualify for traditional implants. 

The modern no-graft design makes it possible to restore your smile and enhance the quality of your life. The straightforward procedure opens a wide range of opportunities, especially for people who had a dentist tell them, “You don’t qualify for dental implants because of bone loss.” 

Why Use Your Cheek Bone (Zygomatic Arch)?

A typical dental implant goes straight up and down into the supporting bone, identical to an anatomical tooth. But when there isn’t enough bone in that location, there’s nothing to hold the implant in place. Naturally, our implant specialists then look to the nearest durable bony structure to help maximize your current oral anatomy.

In your upper jaw, the cheekbone (Zygomatic arch) is just adjacent and slightly elevated compared to the normal location of an implant or tooth root. By adjusting the length of the implant and tilting it toward this bony arch, we can establish a healthy foundation without compromising the long-term success of your implant.  

Your bone anatomy and sinus cavities dictate where implants can be installed. You don’t have to take “no” for an answer. Rather, all you have to do is work with a more experienced implant specialist to determine whether Zygomatic implants are a viable alternative. 

“What Will My Smile Look Like?”

Anyone with extensive bone loss is likely also dealing with a full mouth of missing teeth or very few natural teeth that are left. If they wear dentures, there’s a good chance that their “plate” rocks or slips because there isn’t enough of a stable bone ridge for the denture to rest against. 

Since Zygomatic implants establish a permanent anchor at the “alveolar ridge” (the curved bone that normally supports teeth), there’s no need for a “plate” in the roof of your mouth. We simply use the 4-6 implants to anchor a streamlined, hybrid device that takes the place of a natural smile. 

A typical All-on-4 restoration—whether it’s placed on traditional implants or, in this case, Zygomatic ones—only fills in the space of your missing teeth. You can speak more clearly and smile with confidence. Each restoration is custom designed, so you get to play an active role in the color, shape, and size of what your new teeth look like. We’ll use high-quality materials that mimic natural tooth anatomy for full aesthetic benefits as well as functional ones. 

When to Choose Zygomatic Implants

Dental implants are the best option to replace missing teeth. But not everyone can get dental implants. Patients often choose Zygomatic implants to increase their success rates and work with less bone, even if their previous dentist told them they didn’t qualify for treatment. 

While it’s true someone may not qualify for traditional implants, that does not mean they aren’t an ideal candidate for Zygomatic designs. These are the individuals that Zygomatic implants were precisely designed for! 

If you’re feeling hopeless and like there are no options left, you’ll want to speak to the implant specialists at ARCHPOINT. 

Zygomatic Implants in Dallas and Fort Worth

Today’s dental implant options make implant therapy a possibility for almost everyone. Let our DFW implant specialists help put a smile back on your face. To make your first appointment, call ARCHPOINT in Dallas or Fort Worth today.

All-on-Four vs All-on-Six

All-on-4 vs. All-on-6 Implants

All-on-4 vs. All-on-6 Implants: The Breakdown

When you’re looking to replace all of your teeth at one time, an “all on” implant system is an excellent solution to consider. “All on” concepts replace all of your teeth in one arch by anchoring a single prosthesis—such as a streamlined hybrid denture—permanently on top of dental implants. 

“All-on-4” implants are by far the most popular. But “All-on-6” is another option to consider. 

All-on-4 vs. All-on-6 Implants: What’s the Difference?

What’s the difference between an All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant system? If you’re ready to invest in new dental implants but aren’t sure how many or which design you need, it can be helpful to learn more about these two popular choices and the pros and cons of each. Before you make any concrete decisions, always discuss your goals with your implant dentist so they can help you decide which route is best for you!

The main—and really only—difference between All-on-4 and All-on-6 implants is how many implants are being used for the full arch prosthesis. Four is the absolute minimum. But sometimes your bite needs extra stabilization, so additional implants are needed. In this case, six. 

Both All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implants offer patients a way to get back to normal by replacing their missing teeth with minimal surgery and recovery time. Which one is right for you? 

All-on-6 Dental Implants

The All-on-6 procedure is ideal for patients who are missing all of their teeth but might not have quite as strong or dense of bone as what we want for only four implants. To maximize your situation, two additional dental implants are added onto what would otherwise be “All-on-4” treatment, turning it into All-on-6. 

Since this system uses six implants, it offers additional stability and biting strength for your smile rehabilitation. We can also adjust where each of them is placed, taking advantage of the strong, healthy bone you already have. But from the outside, your smile will look exactly the same as an All-on-4 treatment.

Both All-on-4 and All-on-6 are very strong options for people who have missing teeth. The main difference with adding two more implants is stability; which one is right for you really depends on your oral anatomy and bone health. Our DFW implant specialists will need to fully evaluate your entire mouth and jaws before recommending one or the other for your specific circumstances. 

Which Type of Implant Treatment Should I Choose?

If you’re in search of dental implants for a missing tooth, it can be difficult to choose which treatment option is best for you. At first glance, it may seem like all dental implants are pretty much alike—and many people assume that all they really need is one implant to replace each individual tooth. But when you look closer, you’ll realize that there are different types of implant treatments available and each has its own unique features and benefits. In order to determine which type of implant system is best for your unique situation, keep in mind that a lot of it has to do with how many teeth are missing, how long they’ve been missing, and the type of prosthesis you want in the end. 

Get A Dentist’s Recommendation

While it’s tempting to do your own research, your implant specialist is an expert on the topic. They will help you determine which type of implant system works best for you and recommend how many implants you need (only 4 or up to 6 in this case). 

Working with a team of specialists who have 3D state-of-the-art technology on hand puts you at an advantage. Particularly when it comes to digitally scanning and mapping out your implant placement. With 3D imaging, we can virtually install your implants at various locations to determine the best one. So, if you’re trying to decide if you need 4 or 6 implants, this information can be extremely beneficial. It could mean the difference between “you don’t qualify for dental implants at all” and “let’s use two extra implants to make sure you have the stability that you need.”

Do Two More Implants Matter All That Much?

Going from All-on-4 to All-on-6 implants may not seem like a huge adjustment. But let’s put it into perspective. Say for instance that you have a three-legged stool that you’re sitting on. If you lean one way or the other, there’s a chance it could tilt over. Adding a fourth leg to your stool keeps you more stable when you’re moving around. 

Even though four implants are completely fine for a full-arch hybrid device, sometimes we need extra stability for biting and chewing. Especially if we have fewer choices about where those implants can be installed in your jaw. If the installation sites aren’t ideal, adding two more helps stabilize the overall prosthesis so that it can handle normal biting and chewing pressure. That way you can enjoy all of the advantages of implants without regretting your investment. 

Consider Your Budget

Do All-on-6 dental implants cost more than All-on-4 implants because of the two additional implants that are being used? It depends. Remember, your treatment fee includes things like sedation, surgical procedures, and your fixed prosthesis. The fee for two extra dental implants might be minimal or nothing at all, depending on the circumstances at hand. The only real way to get a firm idea of how much it will cost is to see your implant dentist and get an individual care plan breakdown. The fee is different for every individual because the process is phased out in various stages to fit the person. It’s not a gimmick to get you through the door and make you feel obligated to get treatment. It’s just that everyone’s circumstances are unique and require a personalized care approach. 

DFW All-on-4 and All-on-6 Implants

ARCHPOINT offers both All-on-4 and All-on-6 dental implant treatments in Dallas and Ft. Worth. If you’re still considering your options, we encourage you to give us a call to request an exam. We’ll discuss all of the choices that fit your smile so that you can make a confident, educated choice about your oral health.

dentures vs. implants

Dentures or Dental Implants – Which is Better?

Tooth loss can have multiple negative effects on our everyday lives. Losing a healthy set of teeth can result in changes in our appearance, behavior, and even how we eat. Fort Worth dentures or dental implants can help you restore your smile and feel like you again. But which one is best? 

Dentures: Fast, Affordable Missing Tooth Treatment

Dentures are known for being a fast and affordable way to replace all your missing teeth at one time. You can choose from partial (specific teeth) or full (complete arch) dentures. Both are removable. 

Unfortunately, there are some downsides that outweigh the “advantages” dentures have to offer. For example, a full denture exerts pressure on your soft tissues and bone, which can lead to changes in the shape of your mouth and facial profile. Partial dentures use small clasps that wrap around adjacent teeth to provide additional security, which can weaken them over time. 

Both types of dentures can also make a huge impact on your speech, diet, and self-confidence.

With dental implants you have the choice to restore all of your missing teeth at once. Implants can be used to support numerous restorations, such as All-on-4, All-on-6, or a stabilized overdenture. And instead of needing a partial, a pair of implants can anchor a multi-tooth dental bridge. 

When you compare dentures vs. implants, a dental implant cost tends to be the best long-term investment. Both financially and physically. Our Ft. Worth and Dallas implant dentists can help you weigh your options if you’re still unsure of the specifics related to your case. 

Dental Implants Function Like Natural Teeth

Dental implants are the best option for permanent tooth replacement because of their function and longevity. Additionally, they’re non-invasive to any healthy teeth that you still have. That means nothing needs to be extracted in order to fit you with a denture. 

Implants are designed to function like anatomical tooth roots, stabilizing fixed restorations such as crowns, bridges and permanent hybrid dentures. This means you won’t have to worry about an appliance shifting, rubbing, or causing slurred speech. 

Some of the most notable advantages of implants are that they 

  • Last for your entire life
  • Are permanent
  • Can be used with full-arch appliances (hybrid dentures, All-on-4, etc.)
  • Prevent unnecessary tooth extractions
  • Appropriate for single or multiple tooth replacement
  • Easy to care for
  • Facilitate better bone health
  • Stronger than removable dentures
  • More comfortable to talk and eat with

Combining the Two: Implant Secured Dentures

Overdentures can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional implant treatment if you want to avoid a traditional “plate.” An overdenture prosthesis attaches to 2-4 implants looks like an exact replica of a traditional denture. However, it doesn’t rely on suction to hold it in place. Instead, it snaps or clips onto corresponding dental implants. This design makes it a more affordable option for anyone who isn’t ready to invest in full arch rehabilitation but still doesn’t want to wear a regular denture.

With implant-stabilized dentures you’ll never need messy adhesives or pastes. The dentures snaps onto the implants and is locked in place for the day. 

Using implants to support your overdenture will help you feel more at ease sharing meals with friends, laughing around others, and smiling in public. 

Hybrid Ultimate Fit Implant Dentures

A “step up” from overdentures is a hybrid, ultimate fit prosthesis. Ultimate fit dentures combine the best of both hybrid denture designs and the stability of the implants beneath them. Instead of using a plate to cover the roof of your mouth, these full-arch implants are a U-shaped restoration that’s more comparable to an extended dental bridge. 

Ultimate Fit denture options and treatments like All-on-4 or All-on-6 give you complete smile reconstruction using only as few as four or six dental implants per arch. That way you can replace all of your upper or lower teeth (usually 14 at a time) while maximizing the integrity and reliability of dental implants. 

These full-mouth implant systems are more comfortable to wear because they take up less space and never rub the inside of your mouth. It’s essentially like having real teeth all over again, making them far superior to a conventional removable denture. 

“Do I Qualify for Dental Implants?”

Over the past several years a lot of people have been told that they don’t qualify for dental implants. So instead, they settle for dentures. But even if you’re already wearing dentures or had a dentist tell you that implants aren’t a great choice doesn’t mean you don’t qualify for more modern types of implant therapy.

One of the things that makes ARCHPOINT implants different is that your entire case is completed by a team of specialists. There’s no back-and-forth between multiple offices. And as a specialized practice, we have access to state-of-the-art equipment that might not be available in a family dental office. Such as 3D imaging and scanning. These resources allow us to digitally map out your smile reconstruction and implant placement in advance. That way we can maximize the structure of your bone and expand the options you have to consider. 

A Permanent Solution for Your Smile

One of the main reasons why DFW dental implants are far superior to dentures is because your investment goes with you for the rest of your life. You can simply wake up every morning and get on with your day. There are no bulky appliances to set out on your nightstand. And if you’re meeting friends for lunch, you won’t have to worry about cutting your food up into tiny little bites. 

As long as you care for your dental implants the same way you would natural teeth—which includes brushing, flossing, and regular checkups—you can keep them healthy for decades. 

DFW Implants Near Me

ARCHPOINT Implant Dentistry is Fort Worth’s top choice for overdentures and hybrid dental implant systems. Our DFW implant experts offer a wide range of implant services to meet the goals and expectations of our clients. Flexible payment options are available! Are you missing all of your teeth? Dentures are a thing of the past. Call our Dallas/Ft. Worth implant experts today to learn more.